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About RexRazack

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RexRazack

    Will this spec run Dayz?

    Thank you for the fast reply, so basically it isn't worth getting. 5 FPS is horrible correct? Think I could do anything to improve the frame rate?
  2. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I was curious on whether or not the following Computer system specficiations would run Dayz? Windows Edition : Windows Vista Home premium 2007 System: Processor : Intel ® Core ™2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.4GHZ 2.40GHZ Memory (RAM) : 2.1 GB System Type: 32-bit Operating system Graphics : NVIDIA Geforce 8400 GS || Core (459), Shaders (918MHZ) ,Memory (400HZ) || Memory Size 265 MBytes , Bus Width 64 bits Any hope of playing it at all? Lastest Bench mark currently would be I can play Diablo 3 on low-medium, would it be similair strains on the PC for Dayz?. Thank you for your time. Rex.
  3. RexRazack

    Well it run?

    I'm asking wil it run with my current specifications?
  4. RexRazack

    Well it run?

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I was curious on whether or not the following Computer system specficiations would run Dayz? Windows Edition : Windows Vista Home premium 2007 System: Processor : Intel ® Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.4GHZ 2.40GHZ Memory (RAM) : 2.1 GB System Type: 32-bit Operating system Graphics : NVIDIA Geforce 8400 GS || Core (459), Shaders (918MHZ) ,Memory (400HZ) || Memory Size 265 MBytes , Bus Width 64 bits Any hope of playing it at all? Lastest Bench mark currently would be I can play Diablo 3 on low-medium. Thank you for your time. Rex.