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Everything posted by khemitude

  1. That would be good, It matches up time wise me with you guys anyway since I tend to sleep in the day and am up all evening/night. As for face its not default will let you know soon as gotta check it out. EDIT: Larry G with black shades, cause that Chenarussian sun is harsh dawg.
  2. Yeah no problem buddy, understand I would be the same bandits are asses, let me know dude getting bored as hell just Bear Gyrlls style on my own.
  3. Well I've got a spare Water bottle that I can give you so you should be set for that I could also lead you to stary where am at currently got a good chance of picking up a good weapon there and I could provide over watch with the DMR.
  4. Player Name: Khemitude Steam ID: Eyesicle Skype Name: Khemitude Age: 19 Location: UK Currently rolling with a m4a1 cco, m9sd, and a DMR sadly no NVG's yet. Just like original poster none of my friends really do PC gaming so want to group up with some good guys regularly