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itsDougNoone (DayZ)

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Posts posted by itsDougNoone (DayZ)

  1. Im basically dead in Kamenka. If anyone is in Kamenka or can get there my body will be there. Anyone want me to go on a server. Im bleeding badly, and have like 3k blood. So i have like 20 seconds left of life maybe. I'll die then log off the server if anyone wants my stuff, just felt like being generous -__-

    Loot will be M9SD + AK74 w/ 3 mags + Alice Pack, lots of drinks. I have a Mtn Dew as well. Well if anyone wants me to come on a server and die my body will be at Kamenka. First server that gets posted ill go to.

    EDIT: US #00 [REC] GMT -5 is the server I'm gonna die on. If anyone wants my stuff, well, it will be there.

  2. Age (Be Honest): 18

    In Game Name: Doug

    Country/Timezone:USA|GMT-5 ( EST )

    Are You Active?:Yes, I play most days, and I am usually on for long periods of time.

    Experience In Dayz: I run my own group and have our own base camp established. We are decently organized and enjoy working together.

    Have You Worked In A Team Before?:Yes, I run my own group.

    Referred by Nar.Kill

  3. Hello. You need a team on DayZ? I got you covered. We operate on Skype, Vent, or Teamspeak. If you need a good team we like to scavenge and slowly and work our way up the DayZ chain. Just add my Skype and I'll add you to the roster.

    Skype: pat.noone2

    :beans: :)
