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Everything posted by superteddyguy

  1. superteddyguy

    Looking for a group/team of guys/girls!

    I will join up too. I don´t like the big groups, it´s too messy for me XD. I got 6 months of experience of the game and I now al the hotspots, dangerous zones and the safe ones. Although I´m from Brazil, I speak english fluently. If you want to contact me, my Steam account is Super-TeddyGuy. (Sorry about any english mistakes that I may have made, as I said I´m brazilian.)
  2. superteddyguy

    R4GE DayZ Clan. [Recruiting] again...

    Age:15 TimeZone:-3 (I'm from Brazil, but I speak english fluently) Why you want to join: 1-Because it sucks playing alone; 2-Teamwork gives you a better game experience. Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 8. Do you have Teamspeak: No, but I'm downloading right now. Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No):Yes. How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie): 2 weeks.