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About PARA-QS10

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. PARA-QS10

    huge fps lagg after playing the game fine

    Have you tried running both ARMA2 and OA as administrator and then tried running DayZ through SixLauncher or DayZ Commander? Sometimes that will fix it for some reason.
  2. PARA-QS10

    Backpack doesn't show

    It happens sometimes, especially when you're a bandit. Just a glitch with the game, if you can still use it whats the problem. You'll be less visible in grass :P
  3. PARA-QS10

    Dire FPS after updating to

    Try re-running ARMA2 and OA in administrator mode again. This happened to one of our guys but it was the ARMA patch that did it and not DayZ patch. Also try updating your graphics card drivers if not, thats if you're not up to date already.
  4. We have suspected corrupt mission files but we have them from the links the devs gave us. We deleted them and redownloaded them and tried again but still no luck. I would imagine its something to do with the DayZ files because if it were the ARMA game files surely we wouldnt get into the lobby? But still we have downloaded the DayZ files again and still didnt fix the error? Yshido Sorry to hear you have the same problem but if we find a fix I will PM you to make you aware, could you drop me a PM if you find one before us? Would be greatly appreciated mate.
  5. Ive found and read posts on this error for client issues but none providing real information on dedicated server issues so I am hoping someone here has come across this with their own server and can point us in the right direction. My clan has our own dedicated server at a datacenter (yes its all legit and not a home server) and fully meets the specs required. We have had a ticket approved to host our own server from the DayZ staff and our server has been whitelisted so everything is in place for it to run as an official public DayZ server. Everything has been installed and we have followed the steps provided by the DayZ staff on the setup of the server. Connecting to the server is not a problem and we can get into the lobby but once past there and the loading, character create screens etc we then get the following error message: The server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff. We have tried everything from a fresh install to eliminating the firewall as the issue but we cannot put our finger on what is causing us to get this error. Every other server we connect to is fine, only on our own we get this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks The |PARA| Regiment
  6. Not had any problems with being kicked from games tonight until I joined this server where everytime I joined this server lobby I am constantly kicked by what I can assume is the admin as there are three guys on the server wearing the tags. They've allowed me a few times to join in game but then kick me moments later. I've read somewhere that you aren't allowed to kick for no reason and these guys seem to be kicking anyone who trys joining the server as there have only been the same 7 guys on there for over 30mins now. Clan members online at the time were: [DEFS]back34 [DEFS] Elysium [DEFS]skalar-ua This is the last thing you need after the game is updated where very few servers are available and people are abusing the rules and kicking players for no reason. Thanks
  7. PARA-QS10

    Teleport Hacker

    * Server this happened on - FR 20 ( [GMT +2] dayzmod.com - justateam.ru * Time that it happened including your timezone - 20:10 GMT (roughly) * What happened during the incident - Hacker teleporting across the map appearing behind people and killing them with one shot. Nearly everyone on the server died within a minute and people respawning on the coast were getting killed within seconds. Sorry for lack of info, just hope there are some logs somwhere that will have recorded this happening and that it may help you in some way to catching them :)