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Haf - PheoniX

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11 Neutral


About Haf - PheoniX

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Haf - PheoniX

    Looking for a clan group w/e

    I have found a group so no need to post more here
  2. Haf - PheoniX

    L85 Should it stay or go

    1 thing GTFO L85
  3. well enjoy not bothering with on of the most amazing communities of the decade
  4. well for one im gonna have to snatch that UAZ and become a medic on your server and secondly name some of the weapons or varients and let me know if the one shot snipers are removed or still in
  5. time to steal recruits from the smaller clans because ours is cooler
  6. Haf - PheoniX

    Player looking for clan/group

    all i can say is dayzhorror.com
  7. Haf - PheoniX

    Chernarus Heroes

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109280-dayz-heroes/ whoever made this topic you may want to take a look at this
  8. Haf - PheoniX

    Dayz Heroes

    so basically an exact copy of the chernarus heros?
  9. if you installed arma on another drive u need to install dayz manually but if its on c drive idk what to tell you
  10. Haf - PheoniX

    LFG people to play dayz with

    go to Dayzhorror.com it is the best experience i have had on dayz for a while i love it
  11. Haf - PheoniX

    Looking To Start Namalsk Squad

    AGE: 16 NAME: Ryan IGN:Pheonix SKYPE/AXON:M00craft POSITION FILLED: Pilot/CQB SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF: im actually in another community but it is getting to big and people in it a little reckless so its kinda frustratiing me im looking for some yummy on the side if you know what i mean ;D QUALITIES THAT ARE SPECIFIC TO YOUR DAYZ STYLE:i like using the LMG and M4/M16 varient weapons specifically M4A3 CCO i am also a pretty good pilot and like to find servers with little birds as i am very good with little bird flying. any questions or anything just ask ill fill you in. sorry i forgot to mention im am an AMAZING spotter as well some how with my graphics at lowest settings i see people more than anyone else on my team
  12. lawl did u add any guns tell me what vehicles are added and what guns are in and i may invade with community strength
  13. Haf - PheoniX

    Lone hero looking for a clan.

    go check out dayzhorror.com just copy and paste into your browser =p we have 2 clans fighting each other on our own server 1 survivor and 1 bandit clan