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Everything posted by grindstone50k

  1. I've shut so many doors on zombies it's silly. Never seen one glitch through. I even trapped a couple on the roof of the Elektro police station for fun. Also, you can use multiple object to open cans. Axes, knives, hacksaws, bayonets, screwdrivers, etc.
  2. grindstone50k

    How to Approach other players?

    Have the advantage and keep your gun out. Explain your intentions clearly. Be ready to shoot at the first sign of a threat.
  3. grindstone50k

    kill stats,kill messages in game too

    I got killed by a guy just as I put two rounds of buckshot into him point blank. I have no idea if he survived or not. I like it that way.
  4. grindstone50k

    Playstyle Poll

    I play however I feel like playing at the time. Sometimes I just want to shoot people. Sometimes I don't feel like shooting people. Sometimes I feel like risking getting shot. Sometimes I feel like being a hermit.
  5. grindstone50k

    Early Game Survival and Group Size

    Have you ever played with a large group? "Herding cats" doesn't even cover it.
  6. grindstone50k

    Goodbye Balota barracks

    Somebody didn't read the changelog or the dev status update.
  7. grindstone50k

    Where Can You Find Hunting knifes?

    Haven't been to Balota in months, couldn't be me. Last time was a couple weeks ago South of Pogorevka, at a heli crash site. Ran into a guy just as I found the knife and a flashbang and was trying to stall him while I tried to figure out how to work it. Then a third party opened up on us both. I died, but the two exchanged fire for a bit afterward. Not sure who was the victor there.
  8. grindstone50k

    where do the tents spawn now?

    Which ones? The Cherno high-rise kind or the old Balota-style?
  9. grindstone50k

    Where Can You Find Hunting knifes?

    Ever time I've found a combat knife, I've been shot shortly after. I avoid them now.
  10. I took down a zombie while standing on one of the interior barn ladders using a wrench. It followed me in (have yet to see a zombie wall glitch for the last couple patches, even trapped some zombies inside buildings by luring them in and closing doors on them) and I just ran(!) up and down the ladder whacking at it until it fell. To me, zombies feel much better.
  11. grindstone50k

    The mouse needs to be fixed

    I have three monitors as well, but the issue doesn't plague me that much. Never had an accidental min, mainly because I control my cursor when I'm in a "menu" type screen. The only issue I've ever had is the "ghost" cursor high-lighting or hover-menuing something I have on the other screen.
  12. grindstone50k

    I want to apologize to the DayZ dev's.

    That's huge of you. Thanks for posting. I hope a few of the usual babies take a step back and look at themselves objectively.
  13. I think the best thing about this thread is learning that doors make noise. Ho-lay-shit that's awesome.
  14. KOS will never go away, nor should it. Discouraged, yes. But conflict is part of human nature. The best thing you can do is not put yourself in a situation to be killed. This can be accomplished many ways, primarily either avoidance or preparedness.
  15. grindstone50k

    just buy this game , please answer my question

    Make sure that "interface resolution" and the "3D resolution" are the same.
  16. grindstone50k

    I think I've lost my humanity.

    I find myself cycling between going full-on kill-mode and helpful wanderer. No rhyme or reason, just doing what I feel like doing. Which, of course, is one of the best aspects of the game.
  17. grindstone50k

    September Rant Topic.

    Need it spelled out for you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_game_development Please point out where it says that game development moves from one stage to another based on sales. The thinking that just pouring money into something immediately makes it better is why a lot of Western nations are in serious debt right now.
  18. grindstone50k

    September Rant Topic.

    Asinine statement is asinine. What is the pace that YOU are saying it should be? Also, what games did you follow that went from rebuilding an engine to full release in under 2 years? AAA games with AAA budgets and AAA dev teams take years. Of course ARMA achieved more, it was in development longer with a stronger dev team. You're kidding, right? This can't be a serious statement. Either you're trolling or if you really mean what you say, you have absolutely zero grasp on game development. This is ridiculous. You are all just rehashing the same old tired debunked canards and doing nothing but reveling your own ignorance and entitlement.
  19. grindstone50k

    September Rant Topic.

    And what, pray tell, is a normal development pace?
  20. grindstone50k

    Hyperthermia Guide Exp. 0.49

    Looking forward to the balanced version of this mechanic. It's great to have something that will help preoccupy the minds of everyone to keep the game pace toned down. Right now you can just double tap W and zone out as you cross-country it to your next goal. This will make planning routes (other than avoiding known PVP zones) more important. Also, it's good to see water become far more important other than just giving you a healthy status. Water should be THE most important aspect of the game, hands down. Great video. Thanks for taking the time to explore the mechanics and presenting them for us in a very easily consumable manner.
  21. grindstone50k

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Because devs only ever work on stopping one hack and never, ever work on stopping any others ever. Ever. Do you even read what you type or do you just vomit the first thing you think and hit submit?
  22. grindstone50k

    September Rant Topic.

    And yet games that make 10x as much money with AAA development teams take years to be released. Even that isn't a guarantee of a perfect game. Remember BF4?
  23. grindstone50k

    I Give up... I really want my money back.

    You should probably stick with Animal Crossing.
  24. grindstone50k

    Reinvent the Alpha

    How about we just scrap the whole thing and just have "In development, expect issues" and "finished/released". The nuances of the current model escape too many people.