If I see someone far away, I don't shoot. I either hide or run. That way if he's friendly, he doesn't die. If he's hostile, he doesn't kill me. If I shoot at him, he will take me as a bandit and shoot back. If I see someone close range, I shoot first, ask questions later. Why? Because most of the time they will do the same thing. I learned this the hard way. Earlier I had found a Winchester with 30 slugs. I used up 21 slugs to kill 14 zombies, so I had 9 slugs left. However, I was starving, dehydrated, and low on blood (3000). I found another barn, went inside, and noticed several dead zombies. I turned around, and I saw a guy right next to me, who also had a Winchester. I wanted to shoot but I hesitated, and he shot me. Last thing I saw before I blacked out dead was him dragging me, probably to loot my 9 slugs in peace. I was going to die of hunger/thirst anyway, so at least someone benefited from my death.