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Posts posted by fruitpunch36

  1. Today I started off my morning by playing a little DayZ and after about 10 minutes of looting deer stands and towns this happens: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/957265117948313418/52E6FE159991C6815D601BA787061393C4D4675E/

    At first I thought I did something to upset the admins but I was really just minding my own business getting some loot. So, I try rejoining and get this: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/957265117948315263/437268F5DA5ED4D38492F682A00F3B58065E72D4/

    I then check the server list and see there are 2 people on the server and it's locked while still connected to @hive, so it's obvious the admins are doing it for their own gain. I think this server should be removed from the central server list, as this is clearly admin abuse.
