was on DE 2579 looting the airfield * 13:21 gtm +1 * Me and some friends was playing on DE 2579, one of them was going into the school in electro, desync happens he ses a ammo box/medical ones with hacked weapons, he tries to kill the guy standing next to it (he saw the name Sm3,5,7), but because of the desync he didnt do anything agains the guy (name :Sm3,5,7) suddenly outside of vybor were i was, i see the guy apear out off nowere(saw the name Sm3,5,7), next he disapears 10 seconds later every one is teleported into the air and dies. why we say its Sm3,5,7 is because it was only 5 people on that server, 3 of them was my firends the other one was Sm3,5,7