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About Convoy

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  1. Ha ha! Maybe I should have said, "Breathing air." :lol:
  2. OP is a tool. Being an expert at Youtube is like being an expert at opening doors. There's nothing complicated or intricate on Youtube and a majority of the community is a gaggle of chuckle fucks slapping up trendy content. Kid just trying to stroke his E-Peen. Also, why do you think that the "Large" CoD community and this community give a flying flip about each other?
  3. First thing I do when I get into any game: Go to options, controls and read the key binds.
  4. Convoy

    Worst Community Ever

    30 minutes? Well there's no mystery as to why you would want to quit since you put SO much time into the game and got SO far. :rolleyes:
  5. Having no gun adds tension to any relationship with players. If they travel together and find one gun, who gets the gun? Is that person trust worthy? In my experience if you take enough time to meet someone, have a conversation, and decide to travel together WITHOUT a weapon it would be easier to trust each other. The entire point of the human element is it's chaotic nature. If he gets a gun and shoots you in the face, lesson learned, some people can't be trusted. The entire point of the game is that it's tedious. If you die, you lose everything and have to start again. I don't know what could be more tedious. Giving players a weapon instantly gives them comfort. Being a new player myself it was TERRIFYING not having something to protect myself with; I loved it.
  6. Got a message for vet players. We're doing fine. The people who are complaining probably haven't played a survival game in their life. I like not having a gun when I spawn. It's completely unrealistic to automatically get a weapon.
  7. I read that with the "british accent documentary guy" voice. "The shark gets his meal after all." Oh dear gawd someone do a DayZ Documentary.
  8. Convoy

    It's coming ............

    I'm honestly excited to see where War Z goes. It's my hope and dream that Day Z has (finally) spawned/respawned the survival horror genre. Hate all the "hold down fire button; win" games out there. Need more games like Day Z, even if they might be blatent rip offs.
  9. Location/Time Zone? I have a vent with a few buddies but they get their jimmies too rustled playing the game. Plus one likes to feed himself to the zombies.
  10. Convoy

    !Important Look!

    Vulnerable means you can be hurt. Invulnerable means you can't. Now you know.
  11. I THINK he's saying that since he's been on Youtube for 6 years he should be the one doing advertising for the game, since it's "catching on." In other words he's selling "promoting advice." It's really bad wording and I have no clue if I'm right. Edit: After reading it again, maybe he's asking for advice on how to play the game because he can't find anything good on youtube? Christ. Kids need to just ask straight questions.
  12. Convoy

    Anyone actually play at night?

    I've been playing mostly in the day, just to get used to portions of the map. I plan to play night regularly. Don't see the purpose of playing at night if you're going to turn up the gamma and what not. Sounds like cheating. Filthy, dirty cheating.
  13. Convoy

    Any one have a spare stream copy?

    I can understand. My parents always hated games. Worked a night shift job in school so I could pay for my own computer, internet, and games. My brother would spend thousands of dollars to "supe" up his car and was praised for his spending. I'd spend 50 bucks on a new game and got shit on by my folks for a month. Some parents have no idea how to relate to things they don't understand.
  14. Convoy

    New players cant get past learning curve

    I took a day, found some servers that were less/not populated. Took my time, got a feel for the area, found some routes/good gear spawns, got back on the big servers and survived a lot better. Half of their ability is knowing the land and the routes people often take. On my first day of play I used the same strategy over and over; Straight line into and through towns picking at every nook and cranny I could find. As you can imagine, this didn't work and I died a LOT. The more you play the better you get at optimizing runs. You'll find out what places to pass and once you get what you need you probably won't have to hit big city areas much. Try to reach places from different angles or try to go to different places all together. Cherno and Elektro are the two biggest places in the spawn region and it's natural for players to gravitate there. Next play, try skipping it all together. Go somewhere else and explore a bit. I don't think you should avoid PK because if it wasn't in the game there wouldn't really be anything to fear. Zombies are a bit derpy and can easily be avoided if you are patient/smart. People just add a choatic element. You have no idea what someone is going to do and where exactly they are; it's brilliant in my opinion.
  15. Convoy

    From Console to PC

    They really did a good job with T:A. I was super nervous in the beta but they turned it around. Wish it was still moddable though.