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Everything posted by susscon

  1. no i got clear of whoever was shooting at me by running for ages in the dark, after i thought i had got away, i layed down in the forest prone, and was talking to a friend on teamspeak for 10 mins then i had point blank shots that killed me, no sound of footsteps approaching me, NOTHING... so yes it is proof enough for me that there was a hacker... on a server of 4 out of 50 players, i got tracked down 3 times in the pitch black with no warning that there was anyone even near me... and also as u can see there is a teleport hack... i rest my case. if u still think im just over reacting then your just being plain ignorant to the fact there are hackers taking advantage, butt hurt survivor who got outwitted ??? i know what but hurt is mate... last night i traveled for 2 hours to find my group only to be killed as soon as i got there, i traveled again straight after for a further 2 hours and got killed AGAIN! as i got there, i done this ALL DAY! and kept getting killed as i had gathered equipment and got to the group... only to find out it was my own mate who was thinking im an enemy heading into our safe zone... THAT my friend is butt hurt! but that does not bother me, its just one of the knocks u get in the game, its what makes it so good to go so far and loose it all in an instant either by accident from a dumbass friendly, or a badass cold blooded killer hunting you for your goods. what does bother me that on top of that u have to worry about hackers!
  2. thanx for that heads up dude, really did not know. as me and our group have only been playing Dayz for like a week, we aint sure about the bad points yet. i hope they do get this problem enforced, as me and my friends agree its one of the best games/mods out there. perfect feel, and idea of survival like no other game out there. DayZ Rules!!! over 200,000 sales of ARMA II and ARMA OA since this mod was released! (maybe more by now) this has rocketed the game into orbit and hopefully the devs are gonna use this to there advantage and make it the best experience EVER
  3. your probably one of the hackers seeing as u would rather undermined my statement instead of commenting on my point and agreeing hackers ruin games. im sure everyone decides not to play a game if its full of hackers... whats the point in playing a game when people are just killing it by cheating? i started this post for others who agree with my opinions! not to have the likes of you point the finger at me and try and make out i have no reason to be pissed off with hackers on DayZ or make out that its no big deal and i am the one over reacting. for future notice if you or anyone else posts negative reply's on this thread i will be ignoring them/ i think i made my point i have no time for you, just the players who agree that hackers should be stopped on Dayz for the rest of us to play fair.
  4. nice workaround... but i think your on your own there
  5. susscon

    My fan made wallpaper

    Thanx for the info about the clothing, i kinda guessed i wasnt missing them, me and the boys have been searching every town so far, and not coming across clothing at all. and thanx for the compliment, seeing as a few of u guys are taking interest i will make some more soon, and spend alot more time making them. really didnt expect to get this much positive feedback. cheers dudes.. and remember my name so if we ever meet... please dont shoot me or my survivor buddies! lol
  6. susscon

    My fan made wallpaper

    How i wish for a REAL zombie apocalypse to actually happen! i wont be posting photoshopped pictures i have edited, but genuine mobile phone pics of the zombies LOL B)
  7. susscon

    My fan made wallpaper

    its kind of hard finding regular people holding weapons, but you got a point. also i will try to find more realistic looking zombies wearing farm clothes. (p.s this was just a messaround job while waiting to load into a game) when i have more time i will update the picture with more realistic features based on the game BUT, also bare in mind im told there is sniper ghillie suits and military clothing + weapons u can collect.... not sure if thats bs, but i cant wait to find one if there is :)
  8. susscon

    Death Indicator

    When someone dies gets murdered or eaten ect, it shows in writing at the bottom left the player name, and that he has been killed... i.e ''Susscon was killed'' me and a few mates were thinking if it actually showed the writing as a color as a cause of death, or even state how they died.. example: ''Susscon was eaten alive'' ''Susscon was murdered'' ''Susscon has Drowned'' a few of us think it will be nice to be notified that the ''murdering swine that might have killed you'' and showed his name, stating the f****r is being eaten alive! :thumbsup: :D i say this because we let a few guys tag along with us for over 2 hours, helping them gain weapons, food, drink, ammo... when we got busy to build a fire to cook some fresh steak for us all, they shot us, looted us, and took everything! THE MAN HUNT WAS ON! chances of meeting them again were slim, but we noticed 2 of them got killed as there names appeared at the bottom, and it just got us wondering HOW they actually died.... were they shot? eaten? or betrayed? ''personally i hope they were betrayed, murdered and looted just like they done to us to show them how sick it is to kill and rob someone that has helped a fellow survivor who had nothing until they met us''
  9. susscon

    Death Indicator

    yeh u have a good point there Zero... at the time we were hunting these guys down after what they did, and we were having a debate ''guessing'' how they died... one of us hoped they got eaten alive, tbh i hope they got betrayed, shot and looted just like they done to us so they can see how annoying it is for that to happen to them. HA lol either way i thought it would be interesting to see other players views on the subject to have insight on how an enemy, or even a friend has died.
  10. susscon

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Will be making more if i get enough likes :) http://i897.photobucket.com/albums/ac172/susscon77/Dayz-1.jpg
  11. susscon

    My fan made wallpaper

    i have to work out how to upload the original HD 2560x1600, but this forum only lets me upload 500kb :(
  12. susscon

    My fan made wallpaper

    cheers buddy.