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Everything posted by susscon

  1. susscon

    New Hack??? Satchel Charges????

    Ok well like i said this post was more on feedback for suspicious events in the game, maybe i should have titled it differently, so my bad, but thanx for the quick replys, it was actually quicker posting here to find out than it was wiki lol. Cheers dudes, have my beans! :thumbsup: :) :EDIT: btw cheers on the heads up about the charges. (that is useful info)
  2. susscon

    New Hack??? Satchel Charges????

    Hmmm i have never had that happen before. usually me and the 5 of my friends always are in sync on Dayz and this is the first time i came across something that stood out so much that my teammates never seen. but thanx for the feedback, looked real suspicious so thought it was best i made a post on it to be sure.
  3. susscon

    New Hack??? Satchel Charges????

    EAT IT!! Im aware of the wiki! Im No noob MATE! just thought id post it here to see if people are exploiting and if other players had any ''useful'' things to say on the subject! Thats the whole point of a forum!
  4. susscon

    New Hack??? Satchel Charges????

    so how come i seen the explosion and my friend that was standing right next to it never seen or heard a thing???
  5. susscon

    HDR flickering

    Well up until now not a flicker... but using night vision scope has brought it straight back looking at certain spots on the game, i had to turn down HDR to the lowest setting in order to use my night vision scope or the flickering just appears again :( but apart from the flickering using my scope im not getting it otherwise, which is something at least. >:(
  6. susscon

    HDR flickering

    Well i think its safe to say it was the Vsync in CCC that was causing it, i set.. GPU_MaxFramesAhead=3; & GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; and kept the Vsync forced to ''off'' in CCC and now the performance is back to 100% with no flickering on maxed out settings.
  7. susscon

    HDR flickering

    LOL! whats strange is 2 of my friends have ATI and never had this problem, so it might only be caused by certain cards... like i said in another thread this Flickering problem seems to be a mixture of things including model of the card, the CCC and also ArmA combined. My other friends have Nvidia Cards and SLI with no problems, and yet again there are people on this forum with Nvidia and SLI who do get the flickering problem lol ?? fukin madness! well this fix worked for me anyway so i hope it does for others too. Btw out of curiosity... what cards are you running? i have 5850's Crossfire.
  8. susscon

    HDR flickering

    So Far So Good!!! GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=2; & in ati catalyst change Virtual sync to: always off These are the settings i have tried and not a single flicker yet. i have played in DayZ and the single and multiplayer on all ArmA modes... OA: PMC: BAF: all working fine... BUT! i have a had a drop in performance from changing GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; & GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=2; but its not very noticeable at all! Still very Playable (im just being a touch fussy) i will try at some point to set both of these settings to ''3'' because it seems to be a sweet spot for my performance rating, or maybe try ''2'' & ''3''. im hoping that the flicker issue was the ''forcing vsync off'' in CCC that solved it and not the GPU settings in the .cfg file. if it turns out i can set them back to the value of ''3'' then im laughing :thumbsup: :D will post the outcome here. and shilu im gonna give u more beans, well done for finding that out mate. May The Beans Be With You.... Always! :beans: :beans: :beans:
  9. susscon

    HDR flickering

    Thank you, i will try this combination of settings, i hope it works for me... i will post back when i know if its cured my problem. im at night at the moment and it rarley happens in the dark. even if it dont work, thanks for sharing the information, its always handy to know new tips people have not yet tried. you have my beans.
  10. I think it would be cool to have a few of these dotted around the maps, they would probably be marked targets where every bandit on the map would head out to for kills... but if enough players were defending it i think it could make things interesting... or to even the odds actually make it available to build your own anywhere on the map like a tent, maybe after collecting the parts as you would with vehicles?? i know if i was actually irl surviving i would head out to the woods and build one myself well hidden not far from a water supply in the trees, not trying to hold up looking over my shoulder in a ruins, or in a building sleeping with one eye open. What do you guys think???
  11. susscon

    HDR flickering

    (mine was the cores work delay) u can try to modify/increase some of the other values. up to u :) (btw vsying=1 at game and off, unless aplication specifies at catalyst) Could you explain in a bit more detail what you mean my ''cores work delay'' and ''vsying=1 at game and off, unless aplication specifies at catalyst'' please??? i would be greatfull if you could as i have tried everything and still get the flickering... even if i turn down/off most of the graphics i still get it, but not as often as when its set to max. thanx in advance.
  12. I was on a UK server (GB #00 multiplay dayzmod.com) of 4 people including myself.... me and a friend were camped in the middle of a forest away from everything! out of the blue someone pulled up in a vehicle shot my friend looted our tent of everything we had gathered over 2 days and then chased me, i managed to escape wounded and bleeding. i thought it was pot luck at first someone stumbled across us on this LARGE map! i headed back into town to try and get supplies in the pitch black, as soon as i was just about to pick up gear near a building, i got shot at, no lights or anything to give me away... i ran for 15 mins back into the woods guided by nothing but tabbing into my map every 5 mins.. i layed down in the grass for 10 mins not even moving, nobody was near... i was explaining someone was hacking to my friend on teamspeak, then all of a suddon i had 3 point blank shots and i was dead, NO WAY this guy could track me with night vision! and even if he did, why wait 10 mins and watch me lay on the floor not moving? and thinking about it there is NO WAY someone could stumble across our camp in the middle of nowhere steal EVERYTHING and get off in a matter of seconds and then track me down shortly after in a totally different location! the names of the people on this server NOT including myself were... Adz killed your mom Tunings Mr.jackyshizzle ONE of them players were hacking in my opinion!!! its hard enough to stay alive with murderers betrayers and not to mention the zombies as it is... HACKING MUST BE STOPPED!!! BAN THERE KEYS! AND GIVE MAXIMUM PUNISHMENT FOR DESTROYING THE BEST GAME AROUND! if i ever met these pricks in person i would love to throw them in a pit of zombies and watch them get teared apart! they have ruined this game for me and my 5 friends that play along side me and we have chose to stop playing it until there is more enforcement provoked on servers to stop hackers. (i await all the TROLLING reply's)
  13. Played for about a week now with no incident until last night... this time with the most common hack... me and a friend running and as we got to a crash site we both hit the floor with broken legs and got teleported to a point with every player in one spot. quickly logged out and joined an empty server, and just so happend we both had plenty of morphine, so we fixed up and headed on to another server with less people. Looks like we beat the hackers this time, and survived it. but i have noticed they target full servers the most. the server we were on was, US 1230 and had been playing on it all day until the server became full and had a hack attack. these guys must have been picked on in school for them to spend there time ruining peoples fun! anyways, F*** Y** HACKERS! u didnt get us this time.
  14. susscon


    Ok i apologize for posting another topic on this issue, BUT this is quite a serious problem that nobody seems to have a fix for. The Flickering issue!!! **THIS IS NOT JUST A DAYZ MOD ISSUE*** it also happens in single player on all ARMA series games in certain light when you look at a certain angle, the screen will start to flicker more and more until u get a complete whiteout, then look down to the ground and it will re-focus (kind of like eyes adjusting from taking off night vision) happens a lot more when you aim in 1st person. anyway, i have combed google for answers and nobody seems to have a 100% fix for this unless it involves lowering your graphics to an unacceptable level ( THIS IS NOT A FIX ) suggestions of cause are: Crossfire Ati Drivers Graphic settings overheating the list goes on! i can confirm that it is NONE of the above. i too blamed crossfire but no proof that it was actually that because other users have single GPU's and have the same issues. then i blamed ATI for there pathetic drivers, but Nvidia users also have the problem. A lot have this problem and its serious shit when u you need to take out a zombie attacking or a bandit after your goods and when u go to take a shot u get a whiteout from flicker on the screen. this must me a game issue or a combined issue from graphics cards and the game. PLEASE if anyone has found a FIX for this not a WORKAROUND by dropping graphics settings u would make a lot of people happy vids on youtube can be found if you have never seen this issue yourself, just search HDR FLICKER ARMA II.
  15. susscon


    Good to hear, i think ill actually give it a go myself then. you can only do so much tweaking using the ingame settings, this is another check list i have come across on the forums which has had a lot of good feedback, so u might want to give this a try also. http://dayzmod.com/f...se-performance/ Thanks to Suspenselol
  16. susscon


    This is what people say fixes the flickering for them...., personally i class it as a workaround as its just another way of turning your graphic settings down.. i have not tried it myself because i would rather play on max settings as i should be able to play it, not having to reduce my settings. i would rather put up with the flickering until there is a complete fix for this issue than lower my graphics so the game looks shit. but here is the .cfg setup which people say worked for them. repost if this worked for you. language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=100000; Resolution_Bpp=32; Windowed=0; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; refresh=60; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1080; FSAA=0; postFX=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=32; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=2113937408; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=0; AToC=0; FXAA=0; PPAA=0; PPAA_Level=0;
  17. susscon

    HDR flickering

    ill try it but... This is a workaround not a FIX! this .cfg setup degrades your graphic settings which is not acceptable for me as i have a rig that can run with maxed out settings on ArmA. im looking for a fix that will rid me of flickering on full settings without having to lower my graphics... lowering the graphics is just a way around the problem not actually fixing it. we should not have to lower our graphics to play this game unless your system cant handle it maxed out.
  18. hmmmmm, i guess the only thing you can do is try and contact G Force from the DayZ staff im sure he would be able to help you out or at least tell you guys whats wrong and why.
  19. Just thought id mention it. :beans: