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Everything posted by Robin-andre

  1. Robin-andre

    Will trade 3 m240 belts for blood bag transfusion and a pistol

    Will a makarov work? 4 mags
  2. Robin-andre

    [Trade] I need tents

    I got two tents as well, need m14 aim.
  3. Robin-andre

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 for Trade

    Selling the weapon in the head-line. got two of them. offers in comment
  4. Robin-andre

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 for Trade

    I wrote for sale instead of for trade. That's why his saying i might get banned, I think.
  5. Robin-andre

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 for Trade

    Il just stop the topic as everyone got a problem with me trying to trade a weapon. * TOPIC ENDED*
  6. Robin-andre

    Need help locating the Red UAZ

    - It can spawn on other places. but most likely in the military base at Stary. - If by regular you mean the military one. Both will spawn. - 1 spawn per server-
  7. Robin-andre

    Trading for a Bicycle

    I do have two bikes on my current server if you're interessted.
  8. Robin-andre

    Trade: M107

    Got an M107, can trade for the SVD when my server is back up.
  9. Hey! This will be a thread to see where people actually find this awesome drink! :) -Found two inside the white ''schoolish'' house in elektro.
  10. Robin-andre

    Where did you find your first mountain dew?

    I just found another one while checking around in elektro with my mate. Inside the bar upstairs this time :) So keep distance! My deeeeeewwwww!
  11. Robin-andre

    Where did you find your first mountain dew?

    Awesome! :) I've never found it on a body yet!
  12. I need a ghillie suit. Put your offers in the comments or simply pm me.
  13. Robin-andre

    Need Help - Pedal in the air like on a bike

    Heya mate! try using a bandage! :)
  14. Headline says it all, state what you need and il check my bags
  15. Robin-andre

    in need of ghillie suit.

    I got a m14 aim. Skype: Ludvigseen or pm for location
  16. Robin-andre

    in need of ghillie suit.

    Any other weapons you do need?
  17. Hello, anyone got a spare NVS that they could either trade or give me? Tell me what you need and i'll check my stock. -Robin-andre
  18. Robin-andre

    In need of night vision googles

    Hi frank! I live in Norway, I could glady try and join your server if possible.
  19. Robin-andre

    In need of night vision googles

    Sorry, not at the moment. Got two M107 mags + 5 dmr mags if that helps.
  20. Robin-andre

    Trade Mk48- L85 AWS- M4a1 cco SD

    Btw lockdown, I got a M9 silenced, no mags for it at the moment.
  21. Hello! I'm down on 3.500 blood close-by prigordoki. I would love to get a blood transfusion, and no bandits please.
  22. Robin-andre

    Trade Mk48- L85 AWS- M4a1 cco SD

    I got a m24 with some mags
  23. Robin-andre

    Trading almost anything for a M24

    Alright, my mistake :)
  24. Robin-andre

    Trading almost anything for a M24

    I got a m24 in my backpack as well, I got 6 dmr mags for it as well, as you can right click them and make 2x magazines for m24 each dmr mag.
  25. Hey, I just got hit by some silly zombie at Chernarus Int. Airfield, anyone who is there that could give me a morphine? It's very much appreciated. And please do not kill me, took me a while to get here. Robin-andre