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Everything posted by Robin-andre

  1. the question is as simple as that. Does it spawn? where is the locations? ( checked dayzwiki ) -Robin
  2. Robin-andre

    Does the skoda still spawn?

    Hmm.. Wierd, you don't know of any other spawn point that those three? Checked all the spots on a freshly wiped server
  3. Robin-andre

    Does the skoda still spawn?

    You found any of these in the spesified locations? I've played a lot and never seen one in the game..
  4. Robin-andre

    [Trading] a lot in stock. Robin's shop [open]

    Updated with new stuff! Sorry for being inactive!
  5. Robin-andre

    [Trading] a lot in stock. Robin's shop [open]

    Hey man, I can do that.
  6. Robin-andre

    In need of as50, gps, ghillie

    Hey! What I currently need; as 50 with nato rounds SVD camo GPS Ghillie MK 48 mod 0 M240 What I may offer: DMR M14 aim NVG Rangefinders FN fal M4A1 FN FAL AN/PVS-4 M4A1 holo L85A2 AWS M107 Coyote backpack (24 slots)
  7. Robin-andre

    Teleported to electro?

    This is a known bug, and everything that will happen is you running back :P
  8. Robin-andre

    [SAO] Shop

    Hi again mate, I'm stocking up after having a hacker destroying my camp. I got a MK 0 mod 48 by hand. List of stuff I need at the moment: Ghillie, GPS, M9SD, SVD camo. Shout out a weapon you need and il check my base. You can either PM me or send me a message on my skype: Ludvigseen. Have a good day!
  9. Robin-andre

    In need of as50, gps, ghillie

    If you don't want it, you just dont reply :) That's what I got at the moment after a hacker destroying everything I had on my server. -Robin-Andre
  10. Robin-andre

    Trading my AS50, Rangefinders, NVGs, and ghilliesuit

    Can I meet ya up?
  11. Hey there! Today I just died randomly while sitting in a car. I alt tabbed for a few minutes. I came back and was dead. There was no people around at all, except for my buddy going around. Only us two on the server. Is this a known bug?
  12. Robin-andre

    Two svd for trading

    Hey! I now got two spare svd for trading. What I need: nato rounds, , coyote backpack, gps and other offers.
  13. Robin-andre

    Robin-andres shop

    Hello there! I will try to reply as shortly as possible. What I need: M4A1 holo M16A4 ACOG FN FAL AN/PVS-4 M240 Nato rounds for as50 M136 GPS Coyote backpack Ghillie suit What I can offer: Weapons: G17 M9SD PDW Remington flashlight MP5SD6 AK-74 AKS-74 Kobra AKS-74U L85A2 AWS M4A1 M4A3 CCO M4A1 CCO SD FN Fal M249 SAW MK 48 mod 0 CZ 550 DMR M14 aim SVD camo M107 AS 50 Repair parts: Wheels Jerry cans scrap metal Main rotor assembly Windscreen glass Fuel tank parts Engine parts Other stuff: Sandbags, Tripwire, Tank trap Equipment: NVG Camo clothing Ghillie suit
  14. Robin-andre

    Robin-andres shop

    This shop is no longer in use. Due To a hacker teleporting my stuff away. And got no chance to find it. Sorry folks!
  15. Robin-andre

    Died while in a vehicle.

    I was simply dead.
  16. Robin-andre

    Died while in a vehicle.

    But this have happened to me twice.. This time and one when I was sitting in a car, engine turned off In the middle of nowhere. Got killed when I alt tabbed back into the game.
  17. Robin-andre

    Satchel charges and mountain dew

    any spesific weapon you need for that charge?
  18. Robin-andre

    Robin-andres shop

    Everyone may send the order in the PM. Then we'll get a trade going
  19. Hey! I've been looking for the Skoda/ offroad pickup truck and Gaz but just can't find it at any location. Been scouting all over the map with my helicopter. Any idea what has happened? Earlier this week a hacker came across my server. I saw the two vehicles and decided to restart and shut down the server. Any idea what happened? I got all the rest of the vehicles? I've check all the spawn locations
  20. Robin-andre

    Not finding Vehicles?

    checked the following spawn points.
  21. Robin-andre

    Not finding Vehicles?

    Is it more one spot which is more common for the Gaz than others? Same with the pickup? ?
  22. Robin-andre

    Not finding Vehicles?

    I guess I'm just unlucky. But when flying you easily spot vehicles because of the ''glowing'' around them. (recruit server) I'll look a bit more.
  23. Robin-andre

    Not finding Vehicles?

    I'm pretty sure the vehicle was in need of full repairs tho.
  24. Robin-andre

    Not finding Vehicles?

    wierd. :-(
  25. Robin-andre

    Not finding Vehicles?

    It would have been wierd. as I checked the same day as the hacker teleported our vehicles to the shore. But some of them wasn't there after restart. I guess it's because of them not being interacted with. So they got to be somewhere?