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Everything posted by DefectiveProduct

  1. DefectiveProduct

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    OliverD1995 is absolutely the man. He hooked me and 2 of my friends up with morphine when we were all crippled in Zelenogorsk, he ran from Balota Airfield just to help us. Not only that he gave us all morphine for the road and hooked us with with extra blood packs as well. Truly deservant of trusted medic status with this group. He kept in constant communication with us on our teamspeak and gave updates on his position. Would definitely trust this guy again.
  2. DefectiveProduct

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need two hits of my morphine for me and a buddy holed up in Zelengorsk. If anyone is available to help, please message me on steam. I can spare some food or mags for whoever can help. Profile link to add me: http://steamcommunit.../id/InvertPanda
  3. Edit: Disregard this, decided to just run out, and finally made it.. only to be swarmed by zombies. Would appreciate being moved out of the plains as well. ID: 52775942 Name: InvertPanda. Thanks chief.