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About vermentis

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  1. vermentis

    need abit of help/advice!

    http://www.logicalincrements.com/ This site can guide you with picking parts for a build and gives you an estimated price (in GBP) for the parts. Keep in mind that the price shown does not include the cost for an operating system.
  2. vermentis

    Lose Gear After Death??

    No, you only lose what you were carrying on your person. Anything stored inside a tent or vehicle stays there unless someone takes it. Just keep in mind that if someone comes across your base, they can take your gear.
  3. vermentis

    Who else LIKES the new update?

    At first I found the update to be quite annoying, but it's starting to grow on me more. My brother and I were frustrated when we first tried it because we had become too accustomed to the lax zed aggro in the recent patches. However, unlike him, I had played the mod a few months before him, back in a time where zeds aggroed through buildings. I just went about the game how I used to, taking things slower and quietly, then it seemed a bit better. Although something still seems a bit off with zed aggro, I understand this is an Alpha mod and there's going to be needed tweaks. Furthermore, I find the easier zed aggro to be more annoying due to their pathing and AI still being a pain, but I know in due time it will be fixed.
  4. Well what do you define as "best"? Is it raw damage? Do you want a sniper rifle or an automatic weapon? So I guess the answer would be what you think is best from general military loot (i.e Fire stations, hangars, control towers). The only military loot not found there are barracks-only and heli-only loot (i.e AS-50, M107, M4A1 CCO SD).
  5. vermentis

    G36 cco camo did anyone find?

    Shouldn't be any stronger, damage is based on the bullet the gun uses, like how all 9mm guns, such as most pistols and all smgs, do the same damage.
  6. vermentis

    stagnard SD ammo

    Sorry, can't say I've ever heard of stagnard ammo before...
  7. Looks like you can't Dew the Dew...
  8. vermentis

    Hospital Windows?

    I always throw an empty can at one of the corner windows, worked every time for me.
  9. So it seems people are assuming it's either a trap or that it will end with a bandit ambush, but has anyone considered that this actually may be an elaborate rouse to lure bandits in, seeking to ruin a church service, but in the end kill each other? Kind of like a self-cleansing if you will. Either way, no matter what the intent is, I hope you achieve your goal with this.