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Everything posted by rusef

  1. Well, the serveradmin "n0bAdl2142" got on the server, kicked everyone off. Reconnected twice after the first kick, got kicked both times, not instantly but with a slight delay. Server didnt get passworded, kicks keep coming if you connect. Hes still on there all alone. Even after telling him i'd post it on the forums -> kick. https://dl.dropbox.c...766/kicked1.jpg Screen. /edit Now getting instantly kicked by him when joining the lobby.
  2. The sticky in "Ban Appeals" states to post kicks/admin abuse in Server General. There is no sticky giving a template as to how to post the report. Plus i pretty much covered all the info needed. NVM, sticky found in the Server Reporting sub. Server Name: DE 1079 Timezone: GMT+1 Date/Time: 10th August 2012, ~12am Server Admin: n0bAdl2142 What happened: Everyone on the server got kicked off, everyone joining gets kick, after joining and getting kicked by the admin for several times he finished with a ban. https://dl.dropbox.c...3766/banned.jpg https://dl.dropbox.c...766/kicked1.jpg Please move thread to appropriate board.
  3. rusef

    Pending Update: Build

    While the infinite ammo with aborting may be fixed with this patch, you can still refill your ammo switching clothes. As in, find camo/ghillie/another pair of civilian clothing and just change clothes to refill. Should *probably* be fixed as well. Especially since this gives an advantage to people finding (rare) clothes.
  4. rusef

    Are crossbows bugged?

    Its one shot at Zeds, not players. For damage on players see a weapon chart which displays the damage in blood.