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Everything posted by xeezy

  1. xeezy

    DayZ Stories

    If you had a gun at that time, then you went full retarded man. Never go full retard. You could of killed them all 3. Should of tried to steal something from their backpack if you didn't have anything. I don't currently have much stories except finding a military truck with 4 ghillies..
  2. xeezy


    So you bought a game only to play a modification for it, the mod is still free, if you would have to pay for this the bugs would be indeed outrageous, but since it is a free mod and IN alpha, it's totally fine. Don't like it? No-one is forcing to do so so please stop doing stuff like this. Report the bugs instead.
  3. xeezy

    Take out .50 cals

    Keep it the way it is, but we need to find a way to prevent duping.
  4. xeezy

    Why do YOU Kill On Sight?

    If they have saw me first but haven't fired and they are armed, I'd shoot to be honest. If I say friendly and he says friendly, he might just shoot me in the back of the head when I'm not looking. If he hasn't seen me and isn't even armed I'll let him go, if he hasn't seen me and has a gun I'd want, I'd take the shot.
  5. xeezy

    DayZ Stories

    I wrote a long ass post about a death I just had, but somehow it didn't post it, so I'm just gonna write it short. I had a camp with a friend, I was laying there, it was like in a bush and it wasn't possible to be found unless someone knew the spot. I was just chillin waiting for my friend because he died while looting (only had his pistol and a few stuff) and I hear a loud explosion, I immediately react with a "OH SHIT". It came out of no-where, and I'm scared like shit. I fall unconscious after a few minutes. I remember I heard someone stepping but I was moving at that time too so I was like that's me. I see a guy with a ghillie suit, he picks me up and takes me to a forest. He has another friend, okay. Both have really good stuff. They use me as a bullet shield to get into Stary Sobor and if I survived they'd let me go.. Well, I'm on the coast again. This was funny as hell though at the time, I was talking with them, they sounded pretty cool. Kudos to REVENGE for the idea of using me as a bullet shield, lol.