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Everything posted by xeezy

  1. xeezy

    Requesting Auth hang

    Do you want to only play Chernarus or are other maps fine?
  2. xeezy

    Requesting Auth hang

    It is pretty much Arma, atleast that is why I am assuming these servers were created. Many people nowadays just kill others and that is all they do. Plus, I guess some people were mad they couldn't find cars. I can link you a few decent servers later on, and I have no ide about the error.
  3. xeezy

    Dayz standalone

    Standalone will come out on steam and it will be available with early alpha access soon.
  4. xeezy

    Requesting Auth hang

    The reason why these servers were created is it allows for players to go on these servers to do PVP instead of actually surviving - and yeah 10,000+ vehicles is outrageous. The server I play on is 100+ only.
  5. xeezy

    Returning player help

    It is the server admin that is telling you to drop it, you will NOT receive a global ban for it as far as I know. Contact the server admins, or just ignore it and if the problem persists you can contact Battleye about it. Don't worry too much.
  6. xeezy

    Hi everyone!! New and excited!

    A very important thing is.. do not get attached to your loot. You WILL loose it, you WILL get bugged or killed on sight. Loot comes by and goes.
  7. xeezy

    So how's the game?

    There are not as many hackers as before but there are still a few. IT is still buggy but it is worth playing, the moments that occur on DayZ overcome anything. :)
  8. Not sure if this is in correct section, move it if not. Basically I know that it is up to the server admin to fix it but what I am wondering is what has happend? Was it a bug, or was it a hacker? Basically everyone after death or after relogging was TP'ed deep under the sea as birds. It was a private hive and on the Namalsk map/
  9. xeezy


    L&A - I thought I could delete topics if no-one posted in them.
  10. xeezy

    Lie after an hit from a zombie

  11. xeezy

    Lie after an hit from a zombie

    This came out in the new update; zombies are now able to tackle you down to the ground and infect you.
  12. xeezy

    how to apply bandit and hero skins

    I know all of that; I assumed the official DayZ wiki would be correct in such a basic matter. Nevermind then ^^
  13. xeezy

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    Raven, it's nice to see that you actually give bandits a chance and help others out, but you will encounter people that WILL outsmart you, you will encounter people that will have friends that can SNIPE] you etc.
  14. It depends on how you play. If you want to be a hero and maybe become a medic, you should def. check out TMW. (post above) If you just wanna hang out with someone else as a survivor - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-survivor-hq/ head over there, there are many topics regarding that. If you want to join a clan head over to this section - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/69-clan-group-recruitment/ .
  15. xeezy

    Why do people store gear?

    Well it depends what you mean by storing gear. If you mean by having another weapon in your backpack, people do it so they can have for an example a sniper or just a long range weapon and one for close quarter battle. That's what I do. If you are speaking about storing gear into tents etcetera, you never know if you're gonna die and you're gonna need a gun, or if your gun runs out of ammo. It's also a way of making sure people don't get good guns really.
  16. You need -2500 humanity, which is 3 murders. Atleast for me after 3 murders I get the bandit skin usually. According to the wiki it happens when you have 0 or negative humanity but I get my bandit skin at -2500.
  17. xeezy

    how to apply bandit and hero skins

    It only does if the bandit's humanity is negative. If not then you do not receive humanity. @edit - The wiki claism that you get the bandit skin once your humanity goes 0 or below, but for me it always happens at -2500.
  18. xeezy

    how to apply bandit and hero skins

    Killing bandits gives you a Bandit Kill and does not decrease your humanity. The player has to be recognized as an actual bandit by the game for it to work meaning he needs to have the bandit skin. I think it actually increases your humanity, but I am not certain if it gives you humanity or not.
  19. xeezy

    Are Helicopters worth the effort?

    If you play alone don't bother. Really don't. If you are in a group then it is a great way of transport and it's good to hunt people down with aswell.
  20. xeezy

    newby here! have some questions :)

    All of the public servers with names such as US 151 etc are connected to a public hive, meaning that all of the info about your character like loot etc is connected to a database (hive) and regardless of what server you go on you have the items you had on the previous one. However a private hive is not connected to that same public hive and private hive servers tend to have stuff like more choppers, custom cities, and custom spawning gear - that's how you spawned with a sniper. 4th day/night as far as I know that means that every fourth day there is a night.. I'm not too sure on this so don't quote me on it. The servers are not linked to your timezone at all - it depends on the timezone the server is hosted in, meaning a UK server will have GMT +0 etc. If you're new I do recommend TMW's training for new players ^^
  21. xeezy

    how to apply bandit and hero skins

    Your friend needs to have -2500 humanity to acquire the bandit skin, which is 3 murders I believe. Atleast that's when I always get my bandit skin. You should already get the hero skin as you acquire it at 5000 humanity, just get some more and you should get it. As a hero you take half zombie damage, and you get protection from low level bullets such as makarov bullets. You also run quickly initally as a hero, but then you will end up running as fast as anyone else therefore heroes are good short range sprinters. Some will fear you if you are a bandit and some will hunt you down. With a bandit skin you won't be trusted either - there are no perks. Bandits will try to kill heros aswell, and as a hero you will be trusted by most people.
  22. xeezy

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    Sounds interesting, I do agree with Sutinen that the zeds should be fixed as they are important in this game; I mean them going through walls. Not that they can leap or something.
  23. Might aswell be big, however it will be impossible to loot anything as it will be already looted. There will be 15 snipers camping Elektro instead of 2, there will be murders everywhere.
  24. I am pretty sure it will still have different servers but all will be connected in a hive. Think about how many people are playing right now, if all were in one server.. Players would be everywhere, it would be hell.
  25. I'll see if my squad is up for moving over to kick some ass on this server. ^^ We have 9 people. :P