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About xeezy

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. xeezy

    Pimp my Bandit

    I always end up carrying around a DMR later on in the game and a hatchet which I change to to kill zombies. I sometimes take an assault rifle with me if I find one but rarely as I'm a designated marksman for my team.
  2. xeezy

    How Did You First Become a Bandit?

    I tried to be friendly to everyone, but it just did not work out. I tested out different gameplays to see how well I would do, and most of the time when I shot people that could of have possed a threat to me, I survived way longer and had amazing gear. Being friendly gets you killed if you're alone.
  3. xeezy

    The woods/items

    He means that the zombies in the wilderness will be more deadly because there will be no buildings that you can run in to slow them down.
  4. There should be an option for turning it off and on, there is no way that I would hear my stomach growling when playing. And what sound are you gonna play for being thirsty? Yeah.
  5. xeezy

    Greatest Success (Thus Far)

    Not really a great success, you server hopped. If you killed them all three without server hopping that'd be boss.
  6. It depends on how much money you have in my opinion. It will be some time before the standalone comes out, so if you do have a lot of money I'd just buy arma 2 oa now.
  7. xeezy

    Bandit Forum

    [NAMALSK] Oh my god. One of the most scary experiences I've had in my DayZ life. Me and my bandit group were camping a Custom Airfield on Namalsk, and suddenly out of no-where we see a ka-60 appear. One of my retarded friends thinks it's funny to shoot at it and we engage in a shootout. He flew straight towards the firestation, where a friend of mine was and just lighted the whole place up with rockets. He magicly survived, they headed over to our clan base and exploded some of our tents. I at the time was sitting ontop of an apartment roof, shitting myself. They came around shooting rockets at the apartaments, and then they ran out. The pilot dropped off the gunner in the forest west of the custom airfield (didn't know that at the time) and suddenly we see him snub-diving right towards us. It turns out he is trying to kamikaze into us, and he misses - parachuting out. As soon as he lands I drop him with my DMR, and I then notice the soldier in the treelines. Shot him and he dropped down onto the ground, think I KO'ed him - not sure, but I shot him in the head afterwards. I might think of writing somewhat a journal about my experiences; obviously way more detailed, with feelings etc.
  8. I class myself a bandit. I only kill people if they see me first, or if they might be a threat to me or my group.
  9. xeezy

    Whats the point of dayz?

    There is no "point" except to survive. You do whatever you want to, it is up to you to choose the objective. See how long you can survive, team up with others, help newbies, try out other maps and mods etc.
  10. xeezy

    Clothing: can someone fill me in?

    Oh! Sweet. The server I play on still has the same badnit skin.
  11. xeezy

    Clothing: can someone fill me in?

    Is that coming out or has it already been added Fluxley/
  12. xeezy

    Clothing: can someone fill me in?

    Camo Clothing - http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/thumb/3/33/Skin_Camo.png/100px-Skin_Camo.png Ghillie - http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/thumb/d/df/Skin_Ghillie.png/128px-Skin_Ghillie.png Civilian - http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/thumb/5/5b/Skin_Survivor_male.png/100px-Skin_Survivor_male.png Bandit - http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/thumb/c/c6/Skin_Bandit.png/300px-Skin_Bandit.png Hero - http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/dayz.gamepedia.com/thumb/f/f7/Skin_Hero.png/300px-Skin_Hero.png
  13. xeezy

    What the Standalone really needs.

    While I'd love an offiical backstory, what Michael said above would be great and would add a great atmopshere.
  14. It's what everyone does these days, yes. What I tend to do is unless the person notices me or opposes a threat to me and my group, then I leave them alone. If I need their loot I'll try to rob them, if it doesn't work I'll kill them.
  15. xeezy


    There is no way that this could of have happend. The server you play on must give positive humanity instead of negative humanity, how is it ridiculous? You join a custom server that gives you a DMR as spawning gear and expect it to be vanilla DayZ? Just go on a different server, this isn't related to DayZ at all.