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Everything posted by spoonfoy

  1. first off, i use DayZCommander. second off, when i sort by "time of day" for servers, whenever i search for day or night time, they always seem to be incorrect. sometimes a server will say 1pm and its bright and sunny, sometimes it will say 1pm and be pitch black. is this a glitch? is there some equation i am not aware of (i.e. the time correlates with the timezone the server is physically in, so i have to add/subtract hours from THAT time according to MY timezone to get the accurate "game" time)? any help or answers would be appreciated, as at the moment, it seems completely useless and pointless.
  2. ive played for four days. ive seen 5 players that i didnt know irl. 4 of them KOS'd me while i tried to talk to them. the 5th one went prone and put his gun on me. he ate bullets while i strafed. i will ALWAYS shoot first and presume nothing from now on. its just the state of the world.
  3. spoonfoy

    Winchester or Lee Enfield? [POLL]

    enfield = highest damage in the game apart from bombs and .50 cal. clear choice, LEEEEEROYYYYYYYYYYY... ENNNNNNNFIIELLLLLLLLLLD!
  4. spoonfoy

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    ive been playing DayZ for 4 days now, and i've run into more hacked servers/characters than i have non. ive been teleported, had my legs broken twice, seen a guy with infinite mortars mow down pretty much all of elektro, etc. also, once, i saw the world literally get set on fire. it didnt seem to affect me because i didnt die or take damage, but literally EVERYTHING was on fire. buildings, grass, roads, even the sky. just fire EVERYwhere. DayZ is the most fun i've had with a game in quite a while, and i LOVE the feeling of danger and suspence. i ENJOY walking through a field and getting sniped and losing my NVG. i say "damn. okay, no more walking through fields." that adaptation and experience is amazing to me and not found in any other game. but the hacking and unfair tactics of killing people and snuffing out their hard work of gathering and surviving is completely unacceptable, and also completely rampant. ive been playing for FOUR DAYS, and have already seen incidents of hacking nearing the double digits. something HAS to be done to save this amazing game.