I fully agree on banditry and killing other players for survival. If you look at any movie or read any book there is always a group that survives that way. There is always a group that survives by being the good guys as well. If i see someone in game and they look like they have good items and i can kill them safely, I will. The problem does not lie with morals or humanity. My moral compass would not point south if blasted a person to keep me alive or another person in my group. However in a real life scenario I wouldn't risk shooting someone unless it either benefitted me or leaving them alive endangered me. I would only shoot them if a knew i could get away with it. Hearing a gun shot in this sort of situation tells me they have the means to survive. So I would not want to broadcast to other people "kill me, my death will benefit you." There is no reason to not KOS someone, there is simply no deterrent. There are more benefits to killing then there are repercusions. Dont punish for killing, punish noise. Make it extremely dangerous to start shooting in or around major cities. Make every bullet precious and a luxury to have. Increase the amount of zombies in major cities and military camps tenfold. Or Increase the number of zombies that spawn by high priority buildings (hospitols, firestations, airfields etc.) Make gun shots aggro by type of weapon eg. Handguns - every zombie in 50 meters. Shotguns - every zombie in 100 meters. Submachine - every zombie in 100 meters. Assault rifles - every zombie in 150 meters. Sniper rifles - every zombie in 250 meters. Make ammunition rare and separate ammo from magazines. Magazines should not be found fully loaded, instead maybe it has only 7 rounds in a stanag when you pick it up or perhaps empty. Pick up ammo up in different quantities off the ground and reload magazines with them. Increase zombie health so that it takes multiple shots to kill them. If a player dies in a major city make zombies aggro the corpse from a set distance. Add more suggestions that you think will make it harder to just sit in a city and kill people. Make it more beneficial to group up whether you start a bandit party or a survivor party. Solo play would not be hindered if these applied to major cities and military encampments. PLEASE DO NOT SUGGEST ANY MORAL, SANITY OR HUMANITY METERS OR ANYTHING ALONG THOSE LINES.