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Everything posted by triplezer0

  1. triplezer0

    LFG Small Mature Group for Panthera Epoch

    Id love to get a group together, i made a similar thread recently but people were either dead ends or children. Im 22 years old, quite experienced in arma. Using voip and can offer my 10 slot teamspeak 3 server.
  2. I have played the original DayZ mod alot, i did a long break until now after my group broke up but id like to get back into the game now. Im 22 years old, mature and experienced in arma. Always good for jokes and im not someone who takes everything serious as long as it takes place outside of combat. I am not looking for a big clan with 50+ people, but rather a small group (max. a few dozen) Im active and willing to contribute to group projects. (also a good pilot) My timezone is GMT+1 but i am awake until very late night so a bit of a difference is no problem. Microphone is present and it would be a requirement for the rest of the group to use voip. Post here or send me a PM.
  3. triplezer0

    DayZ Base Guardian

    *quoting random comment of rocket that the game will never turn into player vs AI"
  4. triplezer0

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    well you wouldnt put on the trousers of the sickly guy with the 7 fingers you just killed in a real life zombie apocalypse, would you?
  5. triplezer0

    Killed a hero group in Chernogorsk

    Hilarious. granadas... I love threads like these, they entertain me.
  6. triplezer0

    Building my first camp/stash

    nothing beats a tent thats 95% inside a rock, or did they fix that?
  7. triplezer0

    Killed a hero group in Chernogorsk

    Children these days. Also judging your post if you had 100 grenades one of them might hit your intended target (if its not moving)
  8. triplezer0

    Are there zombies with special abilities?

    As far as i know you cant die from infection, it drops you to 2000 blood but not further (thats how it once was anyway) I think they modded that bloodsucker zombie in on origins that might do that to you but idk.
  9. triplezer0

    DayZ - The Hackah.

    very original.
  10. http://www.cityliferpg.com/ Play that. Its a great mod and you will be tazed and cuffed in no time. Leave it out of Dayz, its the apocalypse.
  11. So... everytime i am in a helicopter i notice this ugly and annoying bug. Its there no matter whether i use NVGs or whether its day or night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clY7IIK-i_8&feature=youtu.be My Rig is I-5 2500K 2 x GTX 670 phantom in SLI 8 gig ram 1800 mhz
  12. triplezer0

    Flickering Forest shadows

    disabling shadows makes no difference sadly. neither does vsync.
  13. triplezer0

    Flickering Forest shadows

  14. triplezer0

    Flickering Forest shadows

    thanks for this totally important and informative comment.
  15. triplezer0

    Unexpected Emotion from a GAME

    A survivor with a conscience, you rarely see those. ^^
  16. triplezer0

    i miss the old days
