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Everything posted by tsandrey

  1. tsandrey

    whats the plan for optimization?

    Arma 3 was in alpha for only a few months and the performance issues were never as severe as in DayZ. I'm not saying that Arma 3 is optimized (hell no), but atleast it was/is somewhat playable.
  2. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    I'm not saying it won't improve, but it is broken at the moment. But of course, you alpha fanboys would never admit anything is broken...
  3. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    And it's been in Alpha for 1.5 years. You would expect atleast some improvement in the important areas in that time. Right now, the game is not even close to the MOD!
  4. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    It's not meant to be buggy and broken either. But it is.
  5. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    Challenge != buggy unfair gameplay
  6. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    Which then means people will avoid high pop servers. I'm not exactly sure what your argument is
  7. tsandrey

    When will the loot be fixed

    The usual DayZ fanboys that live in denial and will never admit anything is broken.
  8. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    Why is it expected? Every server should have the same amount of loot, regardless of the uptime or population. That's what the central economy and loot respawn is supposed to be here for!
  9. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    Even if they have loot, it's mostly clothes and very rarely anything useful. But for the most part, there are just empty houses. My point is, people shouldn't diss other people when they complain about the loot, because it's clearly broken. Hopefully 0.56 will fix it!
  10. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    I'm not talking about the exp branch. I'm talking about the broken stable branch 0.55 update brought upon us. Luck? Some servers have loot, most don't. That's not how it should work.
  11. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    I don't get this discussion on "difficulty". The game isn't difficult at the moment, it's broken. The simple fact is - there is no loot. You can't forage or go fishing if you can't find the items to do that! Now combine that with broken zombies and server lagg and you get an unplayable game! Hopefully the next patch will fix the loot and zombies.
  12. tsandrey

    Massivly unplayable

    Why are you in denial? The game is FUBAR Btw. Apples are useless
  13. tsandrey

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    You're actually less likely to be attacked, since it's easier to spot 2+ people than just 1. It's also harder to find enough resources when you're a group as food/water is then used much more often.
  14. tsandrey

    DayZ engine performance! FFS!

    Are you seriously using Crysis as a comparison? Crysis had pretty bad optimization
  15. tsandrey

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    DayZ is unplayable
  16. @bubba42 There is no such thing as "fixing" a hack. There is no such thing as stopping ESP's. BE can ban the paid hacks, but they will update in a few days and keep on hacking. Then BE will ban them again, but they will update again and again. That's just how it works. The only difference is that BE does a much better job at it than other anti-cheats. The engine is supposed to "patch" the cheats so it's impossible to make them (even tho that's impossible for ESP), not the anti-cheats. By the way, why do you only talk shit to BE, not VAC?
  17. What do you expect? Free cake everytime a new banwave comes? The irony of your post is that it actually proves BE is useful
  18. You know nothing about this subject. Stop posting misinformation
  19. tsandrey

    Fix the zombies seriously!

    There are zombies?!
  20. Is that why there are no public cheats and all paid cheats get detected every week?
  21. tsandrey

    Have to relog every 10 minutes because...

    That hotfix was supposed to come out this week! Where the hell is it?
  22. tsandrey

    Not played for months...

    But why? We have the experimental branch. They knew very well of these gamebreaking bugs but decided to release the patch anyway. Couldn't they wait a few days to fix them and then release the patch?
  23. tsandrey

    Not played for months...

    Let's not kid ourselves here, the game has been hyped up and delayed for a year. 50k people play it every day. Just because it's Alpha doesn't mean it can be unplayable. I expect stable branch not to introduce gamebreaking bugs, which the last patch did. We were promised a hotfix and it still isn't here.
  24. tsandrey

    Not played for months...

    Because your character randomly throwing your weapon away is playable?
  25. tsandrey

    Not played for months...

    Don't play on this patch. It's unplayable