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Posts posted by Salty_Ninja

  1. well we can arrange an alliance or annex another clan to join ours if that's what you mean Goldeen. we're pretty layed back people, someof us are in the military so we can get pretty tacticl at times. If we had a few more people then we could form a legit squad of about 10 people which break down in to 2 seperate fire teams, etc.

    But for sure Derpy_Hooves, let me know we'll talk it out. we're good at what we do lol.

    • Like 1

  2. Hey everyone,

    The CCSF finally has a solid number of people and we are ready to run our operations. If you're having a blood fued with a clan that you can't stand (including hackers) then come talk to us! We've already eliminated a few clans on some servers so we are fully capable of carrying out any task. We also can provide escorts, medical rescues, and medivacs. Just shoot me a PM and we'll do our thing!



    PS- We are also looking for more recruits as well in case you're interested in joining.

  3. Hey everybody,

    The C.C.S.F. is on the edge of starting a war with a clan on a private Lingor server. The problem is that we're low on numbers. Our goal is to recruit at least 10 experienced people (military background preferred but inexperienced players are still welcome to join) before the war breaks loose. We fight in a military manner and and we'll brief you on our rules of engagement once you're approved to join (which won't be hard lol). If you're itching to fight off a potential rival-clan then contact us right away! For more information on recruitment, visit our older thread here: http://dayzmod.com/f...nt/#entry901994



  4. Hey Devil Dog, send me a pm when you can about those heli parts. I'm also in need of a tool box, some fortifying material (Sandbags, wire fencing, tank traps, etc), and tents as well but we can make a deal for those. let me know man!



  5. Update: people are finally beginning to join however we are lacking in medics, scouts, and boots on the ground kind of guys (everyone wants to be a sniper..). Also, we have 1-2 slots left for team leader positions on Charlie and Delta team. So if you don't mind getting down and dirty in close quarters then come talk to us! If you do want a sniping position then you are still welcome to contact us and we'll see what we can do.



    • Like 1

  6. Hey everyone,

    So far our clan service is taking off and we need to move our camp to a safer location. I know this is a long shot but we need a heli to do this as quickly and as efficiently as possible. If we can borrow a heli for a few hours and return it fully fueled then we can make that transfer happen quick and easy on both ends. We have several valuable resources that we can trade, just name your price. But if borrowing a heli sounds a little sketchy then we can settle for heli parts which include:

    1 engine part,

    1 main rotary part,

    4 scrap metal,

    8 glass windows.

    Let me know if anyone is interested.



  7. Hi everyone!

    We are the Counter-Clan Strike Force or otherwise known as CCSF. We specialize in eliminating troublesome clans (including low-threat hackers) on servers. We serve clients who are Admins, Moderators, Survivors, and Allied/Friendly clans (NOT BANDITS). We are a military based clan with a helpful service to offer to the DayZ community. We are strictly professional and we ask for nothing more than to have first rights to loot enemy property. Our mission is to destroy all active enemy targets, permanently disable all enemy vehicles, and destroy enemy camps. We strive to leave no trace of enemy clans and force them off the server. We are willing to fight and die for our clients as well as protecting our own; we live by the standard values of discipline and selfless service. Minor missions such as medical rescues and escort services may be available pending time and location. If you're interested in our services then reply to this thread or send me a PM.



  8. Hi everyone!

    We are the Counter-Clan Strike Force or otherwise known as CCSF. We specialize in eliminating troublesome clans (including low-threat hackers) on servers. We serve clients who are Admins, Moderators, Survivors, and Allied/Friendly clans (NOT BANDITS). We are a military based clan with a helpful service to offer to the DayZ community. We are strictly professional and we ask for nothing more than to have first rights to loot enemy property. Our mission is to destroy all active enemy targets, permanently disable all enemy vehicles, and destroy enemy camps. We strive to leave no trace of enemy clans and force them off the server. We are willing to fight and die for our clients as well as protecting our own; we live by the standard values of discipline and selfless service. Minor missions such as medical rescues and escort services may be available pending time and location. If you're interested in our services then reply to this thread or send me a PM.



  9. Hi everyone!

    We are the Counter-Clan Strike Force or otherwise known as CCSF. We specialize in eliminating troublesome clans (including low-threat hackers) on servers. We serve clients who are Admins, Moderators, Survivors, and Allied/Friendly clans (NOT BANDITS). We are a military based clan with a helpful service to offer to the DayZ community. We are strictly professional and we ask for nothing more than to have first rights to loot enemy property. Our mission is to destroy all active enemy targets, permanently disable all enemy vehicles, and destroy enemy camps. We strive to leave no trace of enemy clans and force them off the server. We are willing to fight and die for our clients as well as protecting our own; we live by the standard values of discipline and selfless service. Minor missions such as medical rescues and escort services may be available pending time and location. If you're interested in our services then reply to this thread or send me a PM.


