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About Mabuse

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Bump for the last time !
  2. Hey we are a newly norwegian squad ( a week old ) and we are looking for new players to join our squad and have some challange and fun. Hope you can fill our "requirements" Must be mature (18+) Need to have "knowledge" about the game and how the game mechanics works, Like positions, be patient etc. Need Skype or VT ( and ofc have mic ) You may be able to play 3-4hrs ( ofc not everyday ) Do as you're told to do. If you want to join add me on skype ( Mabuse25 ) or send me a PM. Hope we can get some new Norwegian players, for more info add me on skype ( mabuse25 ) or send me a PM. EDIT: we are now 7 people in the squad.
  3. Mabuse

    New zombie Classes (big post)

    the zombies aint that easy to kill m8, try to kill them on a laggy server XD
  4. Mabuse

    Friendly Players?

    Its just that you cant trust anyone, for some days ago i played on nigth time and a guy ran into me with a zombie i killd the zombie, after 2 minuts he gets a weapon start shooting at me ( i almost died but managed to kill him anyway) So you see? my point is, if you meet anyone at let us say elektro he is unarmed, you let him go and then you meet him again and he kills you! Thats my problem thats why i kill almost everyone i see PS: i am not a spawn camper!
  5. Mabuse

    new and full aguipped wtf -.-

    I guess you have to post this on the Steam forum? or Arma2 forum it depens where you bought the game
  6. why not just tell us your PC specs?
  7. Mabuse

    R3GNAD, Quiche, and blake_2

  8. 1. i dont know how you can call them "friends" 2. that rly Sux =( 3. you may "join" them and kill them ( justice shall be made! )