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About zimfox

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  1. zimfox

    Admin abuse

    Seriously is this what this game have come to.. jesus..
  2. zimfox

    Admin abuse

    I was in a namalsk server and i saw a couple of guys with ]R[ tag in there name and later on i found out that these guys were the admins of the server.. When i spawned i was running around for about 2 min and then i saw a chopper with these guys in it and ofcause when they saw me they shot me with grenade launchers.. no abuse so far i know BUT when i asked them if they were legit or hackers they banned me from there server so i dont think they are legit and the only thing they do are flying around killing people and i have no idea how they find people all the time.. Server IP: the server is called DayZ Bliss
  3. zimfox

    US1887 = Hacker server !!

    I didnt see his name..
  4. zimfox

    US1887 = Hacker server !!

    I know.. but.. when you see the guy spawning them and there are around 4 helicopters around electro.. i dont think its legit..
  5. i do not have any videos or pictures to show but the server are mest up. ! choppers are flying around with hackers, you are getting shot by invisble players and hackers are driving around in black vans.. i just thnk someone should go clean up the server because its a mess ! Server: US1887
  6. dirty rotten stand still ! im trying to hit your balls but even with my 50. cal sniper from 10 meters i still cant get a aim of them..
  7. zimfox

    DayZ Screenshots!

    On my way to NWAF..
  8. haha i swam too shore with all my stuff and didnt lose any..
  9. freakin great i spawned with all my stuff on an island -_-'
  10. Okay thanks.. i didnt spawn again because i thought maybe that would affect my character in some way..
  11. I joined a server and right when i got in i got killed by someone named [sb] Azunay and he didnt shoot me or anything.. and i emitiatly spawned again outside the map with like 5 other people and i couldn't move.. I had pretty good gear so can i get my character back or ?? It was on the server DE 791 hosted by VIS-Clan...
  12. I joined a server and right when i got in i got killed by someone named [sb] Azunay and he didnt shoot me or anything.. and i emitiatly spawned again outside the map with like 5 other people and i couldn't move.. I had pretty good gear so can i get my character back or ?? It was on the server DE 791 hosted by VIS-Clan...
  13. zimfox

    Got teleported out of map ?!?

    yea i think i have to do that.. :)
  14. I was running around in stary sobor and then i got disconnected.. when i got in to a new server i started 7 km. out of the map.. My name ingame is kasper.. do i have to run all the way back in to the map again or what ?