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Everything posted by valero

  1. valero

    Inventory resets when I log on.

    same thing happens to me. cant really play anymore
  2. i have the same error. it saves the stats on kills / current hp but resets the items every time i relog. also on death im prompted for a gender every time
  3. There are plenty of nubbies like you to take airfield weapons from. It's almost like a symbiotic relationship -- you make your 5 hour long pilgrimage to the airfield, and then you bring the goodies back to us Elite Bandits :cool:
  4. valero

    Stuck "Loading" After

    same bug here
  5. happens to me too
  6. I am working on it, but at the moment I am only at -75k. One day I hope to join the Elite Bandit Club. My blood is cold like a snake and lusts for blood like a wolf. I move silently like a fox and when you see me, you're already dead, buddy.
  7. WELCOME TO PLEASE SPEAK ENGLISH Екатерина Алексеевна Андреева-Бальмонт, жена известного русского поэта К. Д. Бальмонта, благородная и обаятельная женщина, обладала живым и наблюдательным умом и несомненным литературным талантом. Это делает ее мемуары - бесценный источник по истории русской литературы и быта сер. XIX - нач. XX вв.