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Madness Combat(chase)

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About Madness Combat(chase)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Madness Combat(chase)

    Where have you found your NVG's?

    I've found mine at the barracks and another from a dead guy in the barracks.
  2. Madness Combat(chase)

    US 1436. Hacked in heli, crew with G36 with Tracer rounds. (VIDEO)

    I can assure you guys that g36's exist in day z. They are not in the wiki, but I've had one before. Before the most recent update I had a g36(camo) Sd with a Eotech holo sight. I procured it after an admin hack in the Chicago 56 server where nearly everybody died (link-> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45751-all-players-teleported-to-one-location-all-at-once/page__hl__%2Bchicago+%2B56+%2Bteleported. I Aborted mission and returned to the server with an astonishing sight. There were at least 24 people dead. A helicopter fully in tact, and 100's of cow corpses everywhere. I stole said g36 off of a dead guy and the helicopter laying in the middle of the field. All the gear disappeared after the update and i was stuck with a glitch that showed a makarov taking 1911 rounds and shot like a m1911. By the way g36's most likely cannot be found, but only given or acquired through the killing of finding of a dead hacker or abusive admin. P.S. the g36 is awesome to the max, and it lets you go on rampages.
  3. At Approximately 11:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time in the Chicago 56 Server (recruit), All players (about 23) were teleported to THE SAME LOCATION. In a Mass Conglomerate, Eight seconds later the first shots were fired. 20 Seconds later the huge group of players MADE THE MOST MASSIVE EXPLOSION I HAVE EVER SEEN IN DAY Z. Nearly everyone except for about 3 stragglers and I made it out alive. My First Instinct was to Run when we all appeared. It was a smart move, however, After the Gargantuan explosion (which was about 30-40 feet high and 20-30 feet wide), I started Receiving Fire from enemy grenade launchers, I ran as fast as i could and dodged the first one with nothing, but ringing in my ears . The Second Shot Came Dangerously To Close, So I Aborted. Did This happen to Anyone Else? Can anyone explain this? Please Help, I wrote this entire paragraph out of sheer adrenaline and fear, and I don't know what to do.