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About Vitrol

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  1. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Do you have skype chakie?
  2. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I actually don't have a map currently :P I will try and find you, can you describe the area?
  3. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    TO EVERYONE IN CHERNO. I'm currently in cherno and geared up with enough medical supplies to help any situtation I have ten blood packs and three morphine injectors currently. Shoot me a PM if you need help.
  4. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Alright a buddy came by and patched me up, I'm currently operating along the coast and have many blood packs and much morphine. I can help anyone who needs it (Cherno area currently)
  5. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Shit passed out again
  6. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll wait here until someone can come help me.
  7. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    So yea, can anyone help me?
  8. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    That actually might be it, I was looking on a map online and thats the area I THINK I'm in. Anyways I'm huddled up at 200 blood in a shack praying nobody finds me. So far so good but I dunno how long I can last. I saw a dude with a hatchet being chased by zombies so I declared friendly in direct chat (he was screaming "Don't shoot me don't shoot me") I shot the zombies and saved him, which he repayed by attacking me with the axe. I flipped my AK to full auto and ended him and the zombies he'd attracted to me but I was bleeding and had broken legs at the end of it. Thankfully I had enough bandages and morphine to save myself at 200 blood, but now I'm trapped there until I can find someone to use my blood pack to give me a transfusion
  9. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    2:00 into that video (the video is not recorded by me), I'm there with 200 Blood, I've stabalized myself and I just need someone to use the bloodpack in my sack on me... there's an interesting story about how this happened :PIf you need more description I can give it. I'm near the coast and I think I'm near a larger city
  10. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well thats the thing, mapwise I have no clue as I'm a fairly new player, however I can describe it very well and I saw a video on youtube of the area I'm in, so I could link that and someone could recognize it probably, I know I'm somewhere near the coast but apart from that not sure.
  11. Vitrol

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need medical attention DESPERATLEY right now. Please PM me or otherwise contact me on skype (fef-joshua) for more details. This is an emergancy, I have all the supplies needed, I just need someone to apply the blood pack.