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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Alright that sounds good and what server address do you play on and how do i get to your team speakand the times i can play are 10 am to noon central time, 3 pm- 5 pm, and 7 pm- to really any other time depending on when i have to work the times can change
  2. ok and im really new and kinda blow and i need to know what server you are on and oh god this is embarrissing but i dont know how to do the teamspeak and if its voice i am of no assistance and i need to change my name still it is currently owner..... yah i know leave me alone about it
  3. and if you need a driver i would totally be a driver even if it had to be a bike i would do it
  4. Im just wondering what server do the gun runners play on or is it any
  5. alright that makes alot of sense good to know thanks
  6. by the way 3 of those guns in each pile not overall and mp5s g17 m1911 m9 and shotguns and alot of tin cans
  7. Ok so im still kind of a nube but i had this game for 3 weeks now and know the basics, anyways i was up at the stary sobor military camp looting, found some good guns akm aks 74u m4a1 etc. I took the m4a1 because there was more ammo available. I got to the last tent checked then left and to my surprise perhaps the dayz gods were looking out for me but there was a PILE of guns in 3 piles like 3 akm 3 aks ammo up the wazoo and what not, and im wondering is this a random occurence or is it like someone modded and put them all there, i just want to know.
  8. Every time I try to launch day z through six launcher it says "Bad Serial Number Given in Setup" does anyone know how to fix it and if you do please give detailed instuctions. Thanks.