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Everything posted by C0LDKILL (DayZ)

  1. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Preventing server hopping

    Is there anyway to make characters server specific? So every server would have a different profile for your account. This way you couldn't move your character to better positioning on a different server, then relog back in your server. Where you log off is where you log in, every time
  2. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Taviana, the land of the troll barracks?

    I would agree on the "troll barracks" theme gives. The barracks that you can enter are almost like Chernarus only you cannot open the doors on the inside. You can only look at the loot through the windows on the side of the building. I don't think this map has high value military. Just hangars and firehouses. Sure wish the map creator would change that. It's a great map though. Love it.
  3. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Keep or Remove waypoints

    This is not a debate. Poll your honest answer.
  4. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    possibility of seeing WHO killed you

    For the love of god, hackers are running rampant. Teleporting to players and killing them all over the map. THIS is why we need to see who the killer is.If you don't see this as a problem then you should try being an admin and wasting a ton of valuable game time searching through logs trying to find a few lines of what looks like jibber jabber to catch someone doing something suspicious.
  5. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Vilayer or HFB

    HFB does not add their name to your server name like vilayer does.
  6. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Vilayer or HFB

    We run with HFB as well and their customer support really is fantastic. They respond to your tickets and emails almost immediately and resolve any issues fairly quick. Not that we have had very many problems. Not to mention right now they are starting a new beta test for a new admin tool and anticheat system that they created to work alongside battleye. Oh, and their servers are among the cheapest out there. They also have an official teamspeak you can get a hold of them at.
  7. This goes to the moderator of the bug report page. START APPROVING PEOPLES BUG REPORTS! I don't know how many bugs I have reported and the mods don't approve them. I read the rules, I skimmed through other posts to make sure I'm not reposting. How many other bug reports go overlooked? You know we are only trying to help.
  8. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    I don't like this idea in my own opinion, I'm more interested in PvP. Zombies are already a huge annoyance when in a firefight, no need to make it any worse.
  9. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Really, whats the harm in a no PVP server?

    I do love open world PvP so don't get me wrong here. I played a Lingor Island server that was PvP @ Airfields only. Which was actually pretty fun. I think for something like this to work, it would be a server specific game mode. Similar to how WoW was PVP/PVE/Roleplay servers. Dayz servers could be set as PvP or ZonePvP where PvP is only available in certain areas of the map. You might make 2 hives for both game modes.
  10. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm really kind of disappointed that Dayz won't be on the Arma 3 engine. =\
  11. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I hope the chopper spawns at its respective spawn point and not where you last saved it. Honestly, spawning at the last known save point is a bug and i hope it was fixed to keep people from hording vehicles.
  12. We are up and running the new update! Feel free to stop by and game on!
  13. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Haven't you heard? The patch fixed graphic glitches.
  14. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    Ok, first of all I highly doubt he is the one setting up the Bohemia booths. I'm not going to argue his work schedule. He has had almost an entire month to push out a hotfix that was easy enough for the dayz community to figure out. Don't be such a fan boy and unlatch yourself from his nipples.
  15. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    I don't think you quite understand what kind of alpha this is. This isn't like the BF3 Alpha where there was one version and that was it. While all other development was kept under wraps. This mod is a minecraft style alpha where the game is not only tested but built through trial and error. It's not that Rocket is required to fix anything but this is the style of development he has chosen and if he so chooses to continue this style of development then yes, he is required to update the mod. From what I have heard and read, this will be true for the standalone version as well. What is so hard about rational thought? Derp. Your an idiot.
  16. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    The conventions he goes to are generally 3 days long. Friday, saterday, Sunday. Are you saying that between weekends and travel time, there is just no time to work on the mod? As for your job comment. I'm in the military, go fuck yourself.
  17. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    This thread isn't over until Rocket reads every last post. ARA 4 LIFE!
  18. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    However comfortable you are living under a rock, it doesn't suprise me that you confine yourself to Dayz forums for your Dayz news. I assume you don't run a server so I wouldn't expect you to check the server threads but since you haven't, let me suprise you. THE DAYZ COMMUMITY ALREADY FIXED THE TENTS AND VEHICLES. The problem is, the only way to apply these fixes is to have access to your server files . For those of us that rent a server, we have to get the server hosts to apply the fix. And most of them don't or won't unless there is an official patch. So please, hold your tongue. We are aware of how hard coding is, but the coding has already been done. It just needs to be revised and polished to a hotfix by Rocket.
  19. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Rocket: Losing faith.

  20. C0LDKILL (DayZ)


    I think we banned Wyatt from our server before. Fucking hack kiddies.
  21. The most you can do is find their website and appeal your ban with them.
  22. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    More Secure/Permanent Means of Item Storage

    I think underground bunkers would be a better idea than cabins. Say you need to find schematics and materials in order to build a bunker. Then find different kinds locks and doors to better secure your bunker.
  23. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Not to beat a dead horse or anything... But Armored Kill comes out on the 11th for premium pc players. You should probably push the update out as soon as possible to keep people's attention on DayZ. Nonetheless THANK YOU for the update. In all honesty, it is greatly appreciated.