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Everything posted by C0LDKILL (DayZ)

  1. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Dayz 1.7.3 Suggestion - Vehicle Reset

    A total reset please. Reset all cars and items. Vehicles are spread wherever and don't even save. Tents dupe everything including scripted weapons. Which bring little to no challenge to the game.
  2. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Modification to Kill Messages

    IF YOU DO NOT ADMIN A SERVER, then you are simply ignorant to our frustrations. I admin the pantheon. We, and many like us are simply trying to run a good, honest, fun and fair server where players can enjoy themselves. This is a great idea, being able to tell who killed who and where can greatly help us understand and filter hackers from legitimate players. If we have a players in the NW airfield, Gorka, Cherbo and electro being killed by the same person in a matter of 20 minutes, then we can make an obvious conclusion. Let's get this through people, not everything is detected through the logs. But kills surely will. If this is abused by admins, their server population will fall and the server will fail. Pick good servers with good admins people. Good servers generally have a website and or teamspeak. Like any other game, you need to find a good server to call home.
  3. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    [Standalone] M.O.L.L.E Vest/Backpacks

    I don't see why making the game a small amount harder would be such a problem. Considering how easy it is to get an Alice pack, which so happens to be the 2nd best backpack in the game. Also how zombies are more of an annoyance than any real threat. I can't even remember the last time a zombie killed me. Do you really need a military spawn to get a backpack? Put the chest rigs and accessories in spawn points just the same way they do backpacks and there shouldn't be much of an increase in difficulty. Hell, increase the number of starting inventory slots, its not like I said 5 and that's final or else. As for those pesky veteran players, I don't know how it could make the game easier. There would obviously still be an inventory cap. It's not like their inventory will be unlimited because its made with MOLLE. There are so many ways to implement this kind of feature in the game and to just take a couple ideas that people have suggested in this thread and scrap the whole idea is just dumb. I think it would be a neat feature that can bring a whole new level of customization and difficulty to the game WITHOUT making it too difficult.
  4. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    DayZ at GamesCom

    You will know more when the Army tells you more, Private!!
  5. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Training over time (Character skilling)

    That's why you play on regular servers while the men play on veteran servers. Problem solved.
  6. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Training over time (Character skilling)

    Do you play DayZ? Have you not noticed people shooting on sight? This idea could not possibly make people kill other players any more than they already do.
  7. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Training over time (Character skilling)

    I absolutely love this idea. As for giving people more incentive to kill other players? How so? People already kill on sight and I don't see this idea effecting anybody's decision to kill. It may even deter people from combat a little more, which in turn would make people less likely to kill on sight. I also think this idea should follow your account and not your player. We all know you shouldn't get attached to your gear, and grinding or playing for hours to get your stats up just to be killed in your first firefight might just make people give up and quit the game.
  8. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Please. Please. PLEASE reinstate kill display.

    I can't remember what server it was but I would really like to know how they did it.
  9. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    [Standalone] M.O.L.L.E Vest/Backpacks

    I can see you are an advocate for making the game easier for fresh spawns. Shall we just give everybody a starting weapon too?
  10. I see a lot of talking about locking systems. What about a multitude of design schematics? Different designs schematics appear in rarity. Example: Very common - Tent Common - Footlocker Uncommon - 1 level bunker (small) Rare - 2 level bunker (medium) Very rare - Split level bunker (large) Extremely rare - 3 level bunker (extra large) Bunkers should be upgradable when better schematics are found. Bunker accessories should be available for players to find. Locks, doors, gun racks, water wells, storage lockers etc...
  11. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    [Standalone] M.O.L.L.E Vest/Backpacks

    Still a great idea.
  12. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Please. Please. PLEASE reinstate kill display.

    Have you ever hosted a server? Have you ever looked at the logs? Let me start off by saying that not everything is scripted into the logs. Hackers are finding ways to bypass the server logs. Even if the log picks it up, it can be very difficult to filter the good from the bad in the logs. Even programs used to decipher cheating in the logs have a hard time picking up cheats. I have admined many servers in many games and even today I admin servers for other games and I will tell you that anti cheat programs are not always as good as just being a good admin and knowing what to look for when finding a cheater. In DayZ we admins are at a HUGE disadvantage due to our lack of resources to catch hackers. Sure, we have the logs, but in-game features like giving away a killers identity could help us greatly. Example: In a server that actually showed who killed who, we watched for about an hour a guy named 9Tails was killing people left and right. We are in the woods in the middle of nowhere and WAM WAM WAM. All 3 of us shot dead. Now even if we weren't admins in the server we could also use something like a victim/killer display in a multitude of screenshots to help determine he is hacking.
  13. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    [Standalone] M.O.L.L.E Vest/Backpacks

    My rig Left to right, Medical pouch, 2 double slot mag pouches (8 mags), utility pouch, utility pouch on the bib(top), seatbelt cutter on the right shoulder strap, there is a water proof lining for maps/paper/compass etc under all of the mag pouches built into the rig. This would obviously be a lightweight combat role style rig. I modified it to carry 249 SAW drums when i was a SAW gunner.
  14. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    [Standalone] M.O.L.L.E Vest/Backpacks

    Ha, thanks for expanding my idea. Anyway, you really took this more in depth and I really like it! If we started with a very basic chest rig, like a 4-5 slot main inventory at spawn and had to find additional pouches in order to expand your inventory. Like I said in my post, this could also include leg rigs for your pistol inventory.
  15. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Death should really be the end.

    This would be better as a game mode. Myself and many people like me think this would be a TERRIBLE IDEA. The whole point of the game for me is building a nest. Getting settled in an surviving. If I die, I don't want all of my time and efforts being all but wasted because some hacker joined and mass killed everybody, or a door pinches me between the bench in the barracks at the northwest airfield. PvP will become even more rare than it already is because nobody will ever want to take the risk of dying. Regular, Veteran, and Hardcore(lose everything) game modes.
  16. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Chest Rigs

    Chest Rigs. Different type of chest rigs that change your inventory loadout (smaller, bigger, different type of slots). Example: Blackhawk rig has 6 magazine slots, 5 item slots. 1 water bottle slot. You start with a very small chest rig and like a backpack you need to find a new and better chest rig. This idea could also be used for a leg rig for your pistol inventory.
  17. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Chest Rigs

    In real life as you already may know are completely customizable with MOLLE. But for the games sake, different rigs have more or less slots.
  18. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    My ideas for standalone features

    -Group UI/Clan system: It would be nice to have a clan identification system so that we can tell if they are our own guys or not. Like only clan members have nameplates. Friendly fire is currently an issue for some people. -Map: it would be nice to set up more than one way point. This way when driving around the map we don't have to stop to figure where to go or which road to take. Also share plot points with your buddies and stratagize an atttack plan. So you know where to attack, and where your buddies will be infiltrating. -Camo netting to help conceal your vehicles and tents from being spotted. It is currently WAAY to easy to find camp sites. Especially for those that have a helicopter. -Vehicles: 1. I think there should be more vehicles. Let's face it, vehicles are hardly seen driving around and more so being used by people as tents. So while people are stuck running around, others are just hiding Urals/v3s/off-road trucks and not actually driving them. 2. No more brightly colored vehicles. They are too easy to spot. I think I would be lathuring my truck up in mud just to keep it an earth tone. 3. Enable us to shoot from the vehicle, we are defensless driving in a metal coffin! -Ammo distribution: We should be allowed to take a mag to fill up all of our half empty mags. This way we don't have to run around with a bunch of clips with only 7 bullets in each one. -Sprays: Similar to Counter-Strike, sprays would be a GREAT idea. To those complaining about "penis sprays" don't be immature, it was hardly a problem in CS. -Wildlife/Hunting: 1. More wildlife including predatory animals. 2. Allow us to find a portable fishing pole to take up a toolbelt slot so we may fish for food. -Foxholes: Dig Foxholes with entrenching tool to set up fighting positions. -Tents: When inspecting a tent, there should be a nametag so we can tell who's tent it is. At the very least within your own clan. -Clothes/Apperal: Find individual articles of clothing to replace in their own slots. Hats, shirts, coats, pants, shoes/boots etc...
  19. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Look on the bright side everyone! Battlefield 3: Armored Kill comes out for premium users in just a couple of weeks!
  20. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    DMR + NVG

    Seems realistic to me. -A US Army Infantry veteran
  21. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You have a valid point sir. As I previously said, it would be nice as testers to know what they are up to.
  22. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Anti-Rocket Alliance <3
  23. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I couldn't have said it better myself.
  24. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Thank you for supporting my point.
  25. C0LDKILL (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Quoted from Griff "There will be continued support for DayZMOD alongside DayZ game."