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Everything posted by Zymi

  1. So I don't even have to leave the coast to have top tier gear? Hell yeah!
  2. Zymi

    Suggestion for new map

    Wouldn't it be great if there was a forum just for suggestions. Spose I can only dream.
  3. Zymi

    What's On You Right Now

    No, only good thing is the GPS. The rest is rubbish.
  4. Zymi

    What is your best char?

    I'm pretty fine without you ingame. It's a survival mod and going by that I'm doing a lot better than you. I do appreciate having morons like you on the forums though, it does makes things more interesting.
  5. Zymi

    What is your best char?

    Yet to kill anyone and I do plan on keeping it that way. So based on your logic all my characters suck. With that attitude shouldn't you be posting this in the bandit section?
  6. Stop being lazy and trying to justify exploiting. Prefend? Lol.
  7. Zymi

    David. Im so sorry!

    It's okay I forgive you!
  8. Zymi

    What program to record?

    You want to pay for it or free version? Fraps only gives 30 second recording on the free version. Bandicam gives 10 minutes and seems to work okay.
  9. Zymi

    Yep i am done, i quit

    Fixed it for you.
  10. Don't talk up hackers either. They're both douchebags.
  11. Your sources are incorrect. If you used the search bar you'd know rocket has said anyone caught with a hacked weapon will be banned. Spelt out enough for you? This is common sense.
  12. Zymi

    Yep i am done, i quit

    Says the 8 year old kid who just QQ everywhere.
  13. Derp is it oday fer me to hev wapons thet not sposd to b in der gaem?
  14. Zymi


    With the brightness and gamma exploit it doesn't need to be nerfed at all.
  15. There is a thread in the announcements section all about the update. This isn't the place for it.
  16. Zymi

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Never even seen a hacker before. Only a G36C in a truck.
  17. Suggestion threads being made in the general section are getting to be a big problem is there a way to have a section devoted to suggestions so if there is a suggestion its more likely it will get taken seriously and not clog up the general section? Oh wait.
  18. Zymi

    L85A2 AWS

    Search bar is your friend. Still could've been hacked or duped regardless.
  19. I only didn't laugh out loud because I was afraid if I did, my head would've fallen off.
  20. There's a place on this forum for suggestions and this isn't it.
  21. Stupid idea. I'll drop my weapons and run around getting the best loot and not having to worry about dying. Sounds good.
  22. Zymi

    Fun with Scripting

    No excuses for cheating.