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Everything posted by Zymi

  1. Zymi

    Cyric's Forum PvP Guide

    I did like the Troll section. Though you should have made the sentence about suggestions size 36, too many suggestions in general.
  2. I never understood the kill as many Zombies as possible mentality. To me it's just making the game easier, if you didn't kill any and just sneaked around them that's far more impressive. It is enjoyable to find high end gear and they're in the mod because of ARMA2, so maybe in standalone this may change but I doubt it. I think Dayz would benefit from much rarer weapons and the more basic/common ones.
  3. I don't find Acebanes' method of "banditry" plausible. It would be great if it were, but the majority of people disconnect when attempted. "People are easier to search when they're dead."
  4. I agree, though I'd like to see the removal of military grade equipment. As soon as I find one the mod ceases to be immersive.
  5. Zymi

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    You can vault over a section in the wall. That's how I got in.
  6. Dying is the best bit. I've had the best gear and welcomed death. Being geared up is boring.
  7. Zymi

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    I didn't even realise there were gates. That place is a hell hole to loot.
  8. Zymi

    Dayz is done

    Everyone keeps saying this, but I keep playing without a problem. Hmm.
  9. Zymi

    Dear Rocket, Reset please.

    Reset everything. Would be nice if the duping could stop first, but that's improbable.
  10. Depends how I'm playing. On my current character I'll kill you as soon as I see you and if I hear you I'll hunt you down.
  11. Zymi

    Balota, worth it for new spawns?

    I spawned at Kamenka and ran for Balota. I found an AKM, AK74 and an M16A2 there and also killed two people.
  12. Zymi

    Hacker Kills My Whole Crew

    You deserved it for using the word "crew". I loved your sook afterwards by the way. It was obvious it was a hacker why didn't you all just leave and join another server?
  13. Admin doesn't care if you don't use his server. He only wants it for his friends and himself.
  14. Zymi

    BAF Offroad...

    Why are you still here then?
  15. Zymi

    Legit or Hacked

    So I could get someone to hack in anything I want and I can use them consequence free. Stupid.
  16. Zymi

    what I love about Dayz

    Dayz is a pretty cool guy an doesn't afraid of anything. Seriously though, I have a great experience playing this game. I try to roleplay it and it makes for such an immersive experience for me.
  17. Zymi

    The new dayz....

    I drank it, it went down smooth like a meerkat or the last emu.BTW what's the button for jump?
  18. Only been there once and raided the whole place and only found a PDW in a hanger. The rest was junk.
  19. Zymi

    The new dayz....

    Today I ran to Balota airfield killed two people there, ran to Cherno killed another and looted his Mountain Dew. :3 Still haven't died despite running through those hot spots.
  20. Zymi

    SMG to pistol slot

    That'd be nice. L85 as main for spotting, Bizon for Zombies and an AS50 for sniping.
  21. Zymi

    "containers" instead of loot piles

    I wouldn't mind a container every now and then. I do like the loot strewn across the ground, seems more realistic to me than neatly packed containers. Perhaps both?