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Everything posted by Zymi

  1. I can't imagine how that would work. Let us know how you go interacting with everything.
  2. Useless against players now, all 7 rounds into centre mass and still alive. Right.
  3. I think it caters alright for both parties. Running into Cherno/Elektro/NWAF will make it a fast paced game but ut won't last long. To play it as a survival game it's a slower style of play.
  4. If they can actually fix duping it'd be good to reset and get rid of all the duped and hacked weapons for a little bit.
  5. Zymi

    population on the decline?

    NWAF was almost impossible to navigate because of the artifacts. Player base seems to decrease while the hackers increase. It's like science.
  6. Luckiest: Found a chopper crash that had nvg and M14 went into a nearby town to raid and found another crash with L85 and Bizon. Also got shot and appeared to die but didn't go to the screen. Bleeding out and my body being shot multiple times still didn't kill me. Logged out and joined another server. Lost the M4A1 I got earlier and my Alice reverted back to the contents of it's previous owner. Unluckiest: Glitch lost my backpack with the L85 and then died to a hacker after.
  7. Zymi

    NVG's - after fixes

    Yay, NVGs for everyone. Seriously though, they're not that helpful when the gamma and brightness exploit does just as well a job and doesn't limit your FOV.
  8. Zymi

    Lets Discuss - Way-Points.

    I've never used it before. I use the compass and map, if I've been in the area enough I navigate without both.
  9. Zymi

    Start without any backpack.

    I agree, I rarely use the starter backpack before finding an Alice anyway. The Alice being so common it makes the others superfluous.
  10. Zymi

    Bandits, heroes and dogs, oh my...

    Did he say the dogs were pets? If not I think they'd be hostile.
  11. If your tractor was in the southern half of the map, I stole it. If you give me the location of where it was I'll give you it's new coords.
  12. Zymi

    Au 20 Tractor owners.

    I just wanted a cruise. I'm not going to keep it.
  13. Zymi

    What is YOUR play style?

    Currently shoot on sight.
  14. I would like a sound comparison of each weapon please.
  15. Honestly there's no incentive to be friendly except warm fuzzy feelings.
  16. Zymi

    Remove the Player Killed message from chat

    Some servers already disable this. All aids should be turned off in my eyes anyway.
  17. Zymi

    How real men play Dayz

    Real men don't drive MX5s.
  18. I'd prefer customisable clothing within "realistic" constraints upon creating a new character that randomises before each selection. Then you can identify/remember a player by their appearance instead. I think the less aids we have the better. I don't have anything against your suggestion, I think it would fit in nicely together with regular servers that use name tags.
  19. I agree with everything you've said, except your opinion on forum moderation. If there are rules in place then they should be enforced and that is what I believe amongst other things is what is upsetting the OP.
  20. Zymi


    Plenty of other inane threads out there asking the same thing. Why don't you research instead and learn something instead of having to be spoon fed answers? It would've actually been quicker.
  21. It's because you should have said "fuck they're behind us". Hopefully you won't get kicked now. The mod is actually unrated but it's based on a mature game. To answer seriously though; it is ridiculous what goes on unchecked, perhaps there just needs to be more mods, but definitely greater enforcement.
  22. Zymi


    Search bar happened. Oh wait no it didn't. :thumbsup: