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About z3n

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  1. z3n

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Owww its getting close
  2. Ask yourself "what games do I wanna be able to play" And decide the graphics card after that. Determend if the rest of your components are good enough for thouse kind of games. Theres no use in spending a fortune on a graphics card and PSU if the rest of your components gonna bottleneck the card
  3. z3n

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    I bet you guys believed in a release in december 2012
  4. z3n

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Well if you listen to what Rocket actualy says in the video and put it together with what he said before with closed beta for chosen ppl like streamers. From what I understand its even far from done for the closed beta testers.
  5. z3n

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    So as it looks like now another 6 months before release of an alpha or beta. Could have just waited for Arma3 and used that engine. Anyways keep up the good work
  6. Calm down its just that server
  7. Well m8 I think your better of playing Wasteland. If you like pvp and servers like "Doorman is God servers" you and your clan better of joining the Wasteland servers there are good ones like 404 UK clan servers and the Arma2.ru ones
  8. z3n

    Respawning Players

    Well try to be more specific when you post. Nowhere did you mention that it was only for hardcore servers. I made the comparison with warz cus your idee is pritty much like warz but you call it hardcore mode (in your second post)
  9. z3n

    Respawning Players

    Well... I dont know about you but I wanna play with my friends more than lets say 15 min. Lets say you join the server with your friends on the server you and your friends build your underground base and all that and then for some reason 15 min in to the game you die. Then you need to w8 for one hour to play with them again. You are talking pritty much about a system that WarZ has. And that system is pissing of so many ppl. And another thing if a person only is able to play 2 hours that week and he dies then he looses 1 hour for nothing to play with his friends , you get my point. I understand that ppl whant a game that is as much realistic as possible but please think realistic.
  10. Or you just link the video where he reviews his 690 card and stop take creds for it
  11. Got the same problem after the update. Googled for an hour but noone seems to have a fix for it. Its not only Arma its many other games. Im not launching it from steam anymore I use Dayz Commander with launch options in that program.
  12. z3n

    You are full of shit.

    11 ppl quit the game, 10k starts playing the game. We will miss you, not.
  13. Computer info would be nice.
  14. z3n

    Understanding Scripts

    Yes everyones legs were broken. How to find out who did it? Check all names on the server aat that time and the only one that didnt get a broken leg is your bandit EDIT: Is there anyone at that time that got a "['legs',0];" ?