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Everything posted by benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

  1. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    uh... battle eye?

    I too have been kicked for #90 and the whole server i was on has too! God damn battleye first the global bans now this.....
  2. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    How to cure cold/cough?

    Anti-biotics are the only thing that helps with it (I think im not sure if it goes over time or if getting warm helps) They spawn in med tents and hospitals, look around there.
  3. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    NW airfield firehouse

    There is a ladder on the side of the building to get down. Just look around the edge of the firehouse for it.
  4. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    Bikes are so broken.

    Yeah i found a glitch (dont know if it still works) That if you click "Save old bike" it would repair your bike to full health. So yeah bikes are pretty broken :P
  5. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    Killed by friendly.... - Haclk?

    Its most likely someone shot you in the Debug plains like tabbykatze said.
  6. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    I think I should hack this game

    If your going to hack you might aswell not play dayz, The WHOLE point of the game is the progression of finding loot and everyone esle has the hacker problems, Hell i lost a 7 day character yesterday to a hacker, you dont see me cheating because of it.
  7. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    Player "imgoingtokillyou" used script to kill us.

    i geuss his name was right =(
  8. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    The worst thing you've ever Backpack munched.

    an m4a3 cco for me.
  9. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    Came across my first hacker today

    My picture says it all.
  10. benny.boy71@hotmail.co.uk

    Lol u do know why there are so many hackers right?

    Aaaaaarrr.......... Did the little survivor lose his gun? Poor little survivor... A.K.A dont play the game.