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About jthewonder

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. jthewonder

    Food and drink system needs to change!

    To me it seems like the food and drinks have been switched somehow, im hungry all the time and very rarely thirsty. 2 days ago i logged in with food and hunger at yellow, i ate 2 cans of tuna and drank half a canteen to make em disappear, less than 1 hour after i was at yellow in hunger again, but still not thirsty. I ate a full bag of crunching crisps and a can of spaghetti, only to become hungry again in less than an hour. I must have played for like 3 hours, had to drink 3 times and i had to eat 7 full cans/bags of food, seems a bit silly when im having an easier time gearing up with military loot than keeping my hunger away.
  2. jthewonder

    Why I'm a Bandit..

    I hate trolls, but i hate the people who feed em even more, if you stopped they would starve and die, instead they multiply.
  3. jthewonder

    [Hacker on DE1-10] Noclip Death in Berezino

    ^100% agree with this, i've never cheated in a multiplayer game, but if i feel like im at a disadvantage im gonna exploit the shit out of everything exploitable!
  4. jthewonder

    Resetting of character

    I still have the gear from the beginning of january on my character, yet one of the friends i started playing with was experiencing this last night, tbh i thought he was just joining private servers but if it's happening to you too i might've been a bit too critical of his claim :P
  5. jthewonder

    What are your thoughts on people against KO punching?

    This summer i had a guy of average size and build, suckerpunch me in the back of the head once, i woke up 8 hours later in a hospital. 1 hit KO's are possible, and i really like that it's ingame.
  6. jthewonder

    Chernarus, the unasked questions

    Where's all the females !?
  7. jthewonder

    Chernarus, the unasked questions

    Is there a man named arthur who can remove the magic hatchets from the piles of wood?
  8. jthewonder

    DayZero: What did i just play?

    Is there an official site for Dayzero where i can read about all the changes they've made ? if there is, im having trouble finding it.
  9. Im currently messing around with submods like dayzero, dayz 2017, dayz+ and dayz epoch, and im getting the feeling youre describing in all of them, mostly from dayz 2017 for some reason, maybe it just fits me well. can definitely recommend trying out some of them, with dayz commander its damn easy to switch between which you wanna play
  10. jthewonder

    Have I been up north for too long?

    We need these guys: http://cinemart-online.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/dredd_judges-565x317.jpg Seriously though, i allways thought that adding some kind of reward feature when you kill bandits would work. I believe alot of the people who play as bandits would get just as much fun out of hunting bandits, but why on earth would they? If something happened that encouraged people to "counter-bandit" it could make chernarus more versatile in playstyles, and maybe even make being a bandit more fun.
  11. jthewonder

    Best DayZ YouTubers

    Redreloadedhd is my favourite aswell, something about his voice is just right when it comes to setting the mood. Also except from the earliest vids, he tends to team up with people who know what they're doing without being asses about it, plus they tend to be interesting to listen to too.
  12. jthewonder

    Looking for people to play with.

    Thx bambi :P And that definitely looks interesting beck, will check it out tomorrow when i've gotten some sleep
  13. So i recently decided to come back to dayz after taking a year long break, however the friends i used to play with are tied up in other games atm so i've been forced to go lone-wolfing, a playstyle i don't really like. Im in no way a dayz pro, but i've played arma2 and mainly dayz for quite some time and so i know my way around. Im from denmark and have a horrible accent, but people are usually able to understand my babbling anyways :) Im danish so im mainly looking for europeans. Im somewhat casual, but i currently have way too much time on my hands so im ready to be a bit more serious if thats your thing. PK'ing in cherno isnt an option though. As long as you don't have a squeaky voice im willing to play with anyone. Pm if interested, J
  14. jthewonder

    Far Cry 3 Map

    Lingor is problably the closest you're gonna get to that.