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About erwin@goldmail.de

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  1. erwin@goldmail.de

    unreasonable murders -> lack of identity

    I like the idea of statistics, but just to see what I've achieved so far. Maybe with a custom saving option onto your pc, so you can track your progress. But I don't see how this would reduce unreasonable murders. Maybe even increase them (as XentriX said).
  2. erwin@goldmail.de

    Distinguishing friendlies

    You could achieve this sort of identification (on close range) you intend by just suggesting every friendly player to use a special face from the options. So your idea is partly already possible, just spread the word ;)
  3. erwin@goldmail.de


    Sorry, don't like that idea. When I'm shot at I usually don't die instantly. My group got under fire near a few houses, my legs broke and I could crawl near (not behind) safe cover before i went unconcious. A friend grabbed me the last meters til safety, bandaged my wounds and gave an epi-pen and morphine while the other two shot the sniper (a bad and stupid one obviously, attacking four survivors with part-military equip). Afterwards I got a blood transfusion and was in better health than before the assault. So in my experience there is no need for an defibrilator. Also it would draw off the thrill of death.
  4. erwin@goldmail.de

    Tracking footprints ?

    Then you'd have to do proning-prints as well. And different footprints when running/walking/crouching. I thing its too much work and if the servers/pcs can handle this was already questioned.
  5. erwin@goldmail.de


    I like the idea of visions as a downside, but I'd make them more subtile than ghosts. Hearing voices whispering, different (scary) ambient music (ok, you could turn it off), sometimes blurry vision for a few seconds (simulating sweat or tears in your eyes). There shouldn't be any upsides besides the loot of the dead body.
  6. erwin@goldmail.de

    Guns & Gameplay

    A skill bar for weapons seems kind of odd to me. It would be like: Shoot 50 Zs in the face and you will reload one second faster. - Leads to hillbilly-shootouts near small villages just to increase the skill. I'd like the idea of improving your weapon skill, you'd be more bound to your character when you/he/she acutally "learned" something ingame (so you would not just be fixed on (high-tier-)loot), but couldn't find any idea that would fit for me. Sorry for your confusion! I am serious! Maybe I couldn't express myself as I intended (first language: german).
  7. erwin@goldmail.de

    Adding my 2cents. Admins.

    1. Agree Disable nameplates if you wish to help your bandits stay undercover. 2. Seems reasonable 3. Agree Sometimes (and with that I mean certain patches) a lot of servers aren't stable enough to play for a long time so I need to server-hop to find one with acceptable circumstances. But this is an alpha and I don't care if I'd be reset on the beach. Minor - negative side effect: you can still escape dangerous situations and then you are far away from the threat (besides the snipers on the beach) 4. Agree 5. Agree 6. Agree 7. Not sure if that would work Set up tent, log out sitting next to it, log in next day, see the tent is gone (server restart, someone destroyed it) and you are still wounded. Maybe other functionalities like: place your tent within a certain radius to a campfire and then eat inside this radius to restore more blood than usual.
  8. erwin@goldmail.de

    To hell with primary weapons says the medic

    My Beans! As already suggested the 2nd pack may not hold weapons.
  9. erwin@goldmail.de

    Guns & Gameplay

    Guns taking damage due to shooting: signed! Maybe with an option to repair them to a certain level with a weapon repair kit. Erase heavy snipers: not quite sure, maybe just make them more rare and the ammunition as valuable as diamonds But we need snipers! For the thrill in Cherno, for an overwatch whilst raiding a town... Reduce the accuracy while standing/crouching: definitely (handguns excluded) (Heavy-) Sniperrifles shot while standing/crouching? - Maybe when you can attach a bipod and place it on a wall. Free-handed? - Just the common ones used by huntsmen. The status of your character should be considered. A perfect shot over 500m while bleeding heavily after a 5km run without a drink... I guess most of us have done that, but not the average dayz character. Hope that's some kind of opinion you wanted to read.
  10. erwin@goldmail.de

    All symbols

    Just read this (especially the part below the picture), it explains everything you need to know: Beginners Guide
  11. erwin@goldmail.de

    General Weapon Poll

    If I have to respawn I'll find at least a hatchet within 30-60minutes. So weapons are a little bit too common for my taste. The idea of finding melee weapons easier than firearms is fine. Hope the Hunting Knife can be used as a weapon (like the Hatchet) soon. The variations in the weapons is enough but I'd love to customize them myself. I.e. find a M4 with a scope attached, take off the scope and tape it on my AK47. I don't know how well this would work with the ARMA2 engine. I can live without it if I have to ;) What really bothers me is the amount of ammunition you can find. Just walked around with a Lee Enfield and in every second barn I stumble over at least one mag of Lee-ammu. Not to speak of the Pellets/Slugs.
  12. erwin@goldmail.de

    Idea for bringing back the bandits system and make it work

    An active choice of being a bandit/survivor would cause most of bandit-minded people to choose the survivor(-skin) to betray/kill/disguise more easy. And you have the side effect of a differentation into two teams, which would lead to less survival experience and more fps action. This option wouldn't work in my opinion. Why do we have to make a difference between bandits and survivors? I think a murder is a murder. It doesn't matter if the person you just killed (in an act of self defence or cold blooded) was a survivor or bandit. You killed a person and you have to live with it.
  13. erwin@goldmail.de

    My thoughts on vehicles.

    A fixed amount of fuel/server would lead to intensive server-hopping to rob another servers fuel. But i would appreciate more driveable vehicles and more rare vehicle-parts. Maybe a chance of breaking vehicle-parts due to use, so you have to repair your vehicle from time to time. And I suppose to switch the topic to the suggestions-section.
  14. erwin@goldmail.de

    How to give some food or drink to a friend ?

    Hi, if you want to give your friend items (food, water, etc.) you can drop them to the ground and he/she can pick them up (use a plain place without too many grass for easier finding; sometimes the items may disappear due to bugs, but in my experience this is very rare). Another possibility is to put the stuff in the backpack of your mate. Just look at your friends character, use the scroll wheel and click on the option "open [type of backpack]. Then you can give all the items you want, as long as there is free space in the backpack (or just take anything yuo want ;) ). Last way I can think of to trade items is using a tent/vehicle/dropped backpack/crate. To your chat problem: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/A_Beginners_Guide#The_Controls Why there should be no chat-line... I don't know. Hope I could help.
  15. erwin@goldmail.de

    Item/bag slots

    Hi, I don't know if there is actually an ingame option which shows you the needed slots. But you can look it up in the dayz wiki (backpack) on the bottom of the page. Primary weapons: 10 slots Secondary weapons (including flashlight): 5 slots For other Items just search them in the wiki. Hope I could help.