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Ramblin Hans

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Everything posted by Ramblin Hans

  1. Ramblin Hans

    Booby Trap your Gear?

    Rope + Can = improvised tripwire alarm for doors, that is what I'd like to see. And if you feel frisky, rope + can + bullets (gunpowder) + nails or something for small anti-personnel IED tripwire. Give campers a bone! But seriously, would make looting those cities interesting...need pliers to deactivate (ala toolking + barb wire from mod) ?
  2. Ramblin Hans

    Weapon Preferences

    Preferred primary weapon not listed (Blaze 95), or Mosin with LR kit
  3. I'm not one to complain, but in the last few weeks to a month, I have encountered numerous what I personally consider "confirmed" hackers. Killed nearly simultaneously as a friend in far off areas without sounds or sighting of anyone, teleporters, etc. Thats not even considering the countless hacked magazines and inception backpacks that have been found. http://www.twitch.tv/ramblinhans/c/4965805 I can usually shake off deaths, I rarely "fully gear up" any more, just hanging round more populated areas looking for action and interaction, but it has gotten to the point its really almost not fun playing at this stage of development.
  4. Ramblin Hans

    Tent Wipe #2...why? "Devs please read"

    Or a better question, why does anyone even care that much about tents? I mean I want to see tents and persistent storage as much as the next guy, but seriously they have been out a matter of weeks. If anyone has been racing to immediately stockpile so much stuff they can't live without it, they really need to re-evaluate playing this game.
  5. RATIONALIZATION ALERT I prefer option 3, hide he bodies with duped equipment after I kill guys with yellow containers of inception grenades and mags with 1.29 x 10e bullets in them using the shotgun I just found.
  6. Oh no I was saying the model for blackened grass is in game, that they could use, not that it was at chopper sites. I haven't seen one in the new patch. Sorry for being confusing.
  7. Ramblin Hans


    They spawn in a yard on the edge of Mcta, 3 or 4 usually. White and darker colors. But they don't live long, since they spawn in a yard, the zombies go right after them and kill and/or scatter them.
  8. It looks different than that sage grassy stuff. Its like blackened. Not sure I'll make it out there today but if I do I'll snap some shots.
  9. Pretty sure I have seen burnt grass textures on the stable maps. In the NW out near the end of the tracks, near the roads where there might be a future town. I was checking it out the other day when I saw the discoloration.
  10. People will always try to be the leetest, the first to level cap, take down the biggest raid boss, or have the best KD. It's what this modern generation of gamers are focused on. In DayZ that translates to having full camo set + kitted m4 ... "fully geared". I try not to let what other people spend all their time obsessing over ruin my gaming experience, I do what I do, they do what they do. Fixing cheats is a separate, but admittedly related issue. It is related because the of the common sentiment I describe above, many modern games will simply rationalize their "need" to cheat. "I can't compete, everyone else is duping so I have to". "It took so long to get all this best gear, I can't afford to lose it, I need to get ESP", etc .That being said, I fully agree with Katana - fix the problems, don't try to fix the driver. On the plus side, hopefully people who only play to have the leetest set of gear will quickly tire and leave when they get frustrated cause a guy with a Blaze wiped out all their server hoppin' efforts in one bullet :)
  11. Ramblin Hans

    Character just reset

    FYI: This bug appears closed, and all other similar grouped under this ticket: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=78 . Be sure to up vote that one. Though its a ticket going back last year, I hope they realize this is a new problem since yesterdays patch, and this has been done for organizational purposes.
  12. Ramblin Hans

    Character just reset

    Yep happened 3 times tonight after server resets. Not every time though, inconsistent.
  13. Ramblin Hans

    A Dayz rag doll story

    Ragdoll is SOOO satisfying. Blast some guy and his gun goes flying and he sprawls akimbo. Doesn't really add anything to game play (except it more clear when someone is dead), but damn it is enjoyable.
  14. Ramblin Hans

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I'm only mad because me and my friends play on Xbox One. Now I wish I had a PS4...you know how long I have dreamed of playing DayZ with my console shooter buddies. They don't make a emoticon for jealous do they > :(
  15. Ramblin Hans

    OHK'ed by zombie

    Yep, has happened to me recently, and to a buddy. Something changed maybe last patch or patch before I think. Sometimes they can wail on you endlessly as you visualize a better spawn, it seems like an eternity. Another day you can spawn in a bad spot (after random server reset) and hear 2 thuds while you are "Please wait"-ing, and then "You are dead."
  16. Ramblin Hans

    And so it begins...

    I'm sorry, I just disagree. Fully geared people have some advantage, but they just spent some time gathering it, it doesn't mean they know how to use it at all, and often don't. Plus the Blaze is an easy to find, very deadly, very accurate weapons that drops geared guys without issue. Yea, it'll be harder to get even that, but I have and would kill multiple geared out paramilitary guys with just a Blaze and a pocket of shells in my jeans - and I am not a badass super shot by any stretch of the imagination.
  17. Ramblin Hans

    Have to relog every 10 minutes because...

    I have had it happen twice this patch set...really frustrating when you only realize WHEN you need to shoot someone. Haven't figured out what causes it yet. I trust they will sort it out in short order.
  18. Rationalization. "He has his gun out, he must be a bandit." It's just the first step, next you will be shooting people with camo because they have obviously been to a military base, or guys with big backpacks, because they could obviously be hiding a concealed weapon. Next thing you know you find yourself in a house in Kamyshovo, the doors closed, a bottle of disinfectant in you hand, a naked handcuffed fresh spawn in front of you, and you are telling him all the horrific things you are going to do to his pale starving body while blasting "Goodbye Horses" over public voice channel. It can happen to anyone.
  19. Ramblin Hans

    Changelogs for pussies

    The server browser is complete meta gaming bullshit. You should have to discover servers on your own, by discovering the IP's through methodical guessing.
  20. Ramblin Hans

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    I bet you don't think it is cowardice when you see a geared guy in the streets of 'zino, and you blast him at 100m while you have the drop on him. I prefer to think of my sniping as "getting the drop on people" at 700+ meters. And I generally focus on people with gear in dangerous areas, not fresh spawns, I don't go troll the coast or anything. Though I'll admit I've done some target practice if the opportunity appears.
  21. Ramblin Hans

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Had a bit of fun playing with the loot respawn system this morning. My friend and I met in Polana, starving and new, and decided to experiment with it. We found a few flares and chem lights and got the block lit up around the piano building and started clearing all the garbage out of buildings (it had been picked over completely). We piled the garbage down the road and just kept going back to get more. Items seem to respawn slowly, but they do respawn. It wasn't like the building was magically full instantly, but if you went back after a bit there would be 1 or 2 items next time you went through the pub for example. Also seemed to me the loot tables had more junk to balance this out - after an hour or so we had stacks of books, piles of rotten fruit, and a dozen flashlights...but only a few boxes of ammo and other useful items, and just enough food to keep us out of hungry / thirsty.
  22. I've been shot at every time I've been near that building. It's not a secret there's plenty of loot rooms. But I guess the more you post it the more people will come get sniped up.
  23. After playing some ARMA III Breaking Point mod, it has several pretty complex systems that I WISH were in DayZ. 1) The group system with the hud indicator. Chat channels I could go either way for groups, I know some feel strongly about broadcast/general channels. But the friend/foe identifier for fixed groups is awesome. Also, the way that you can quick group, and when you die ... BAM ...you leave group..... really makes for a more meaningful ad-hoc group experience. Friendly fire still on! 2) the class/faction system and progression. Encourages proper target identification and rewards faction play, but still allows you to be a d-bag traitor if that's your wish. Also encourages you to try different playstyles and build up yourself in various factions. Still rogue - ish, but allows you to carry SOMETHING forward beyond death. 3) Multiple maps. Enough said!
  24. Ramblin Hans

    I really dont get the point of bambi killing.

    Hate to say it, but I'm starting to come around to it. I mean I don't want to ruin everyone's day, but a fresh spawn is often more aggressive, more dangerous, more unpredictable than a well geared player. They have nothing to lose, and most are looking to either troll or get a quick set of gear. And lets face it, people are spawning again because they got killed ganking in Berenzino and they would happily be doing the same to you. When I meet a legitimate new player, and he/she isn't acting all hinky and I can tell they are genuinely new I help them get oriented, give tips, and help them get geared and armed. But if meet a fresh spawn who I can tell is NOT new, is in a hurry to get somewhere, and keeps following or gets close, its just cheaper to put two rounds in them than have to worry about when the super punch out is coming.