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About undead_clown

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. undead_clown

    Oh you found a Ghillie Suit and M16? That's cute.

    Does no one read patch notes? This was fixed, it was incorrectly spawning a M107 that took the backpack slot, rocket fixed it.
  2. undead_clown

    Cinematic Screenshots

  3. undead_clown

    Oh you found a Ghillie Suit and M16? That's cute.

    What I wouldn't give to hold the Hand of God and shoot down a heli with it.
  4. SO, haven't found a crashed heli since the update. Does the loot spawn AROUND the heli, or IN it. Also, does it respawn like normal loot (making it farmable ala barracks) or does it only show up on a server restart? EDIT: I'm retarded, had like 3 tabs open and thought I was in General Discussion, can a mod move this? Sorry
  5. Thanks, was sitting here facepalming and couldn't even bring myself to respond. Thought I made it overly clear.....
  6. I know this works for a fact. I have both a PC and a laptop. I let my friend use my laptop to play DayZ while I use my PC, but if I log my account in on the laptop, I can play my character. Same if he logs into steam on my PC. Characters are tied to the cd-key, which is tied to you steam account.
  7. undead_clown

    ACE Mod?

  8. undead_clown

    ACE Mod?

    It has nothing to do with DayZ, and is incompatible. It is another mod for ARMA 2 that most servers run for more realism.
  9. undead_clown

    So today all bandits are gone?

    So, safe to say this isn't happening today?
  10. undead_clown

    Backpacks cannot be picked up?

    Its not a bug, you have to use your scroll wheel on your mouse to open the menu and choose TAKE ALICE PACK instead of OPEN ALICE PACK, which is the default option when you hit enter. EDIT: Also, thats because you have flares or something selected, press F to change between gun/cans/flare.
  11. undead_clown

    Bandit fails

    As I had recently spawned right next to Electro I decided to go into town and get some loot before moving inland to Stary Sober. Normally I avoid the coast. First building I go into has a frag grenade, I think sweet, never had a chance to use one of these. No more then 5 minutes later I see a survivor over by the docks, I sneak through the grass towards him. I see him go prone, and then the grass starts getting pushed over as he crawls towards me. I pull out my grenade anxious to use it, and throw it towards where I see him crawling. Except it wasn't him, it was a crawling zombie, I wasted a grenade on a single zombie. As I ran over to what I thought was his corpse, I see that its a zombie, and as I stand there doing a double take, he shoots me from down the street.......... I IZ GUD BANDIT
  12. undead_clown

    ACE-like inventory system

    The passing out thing from ACE is like the only I hate from that mod. I never understood why they wouldn't just put a cap on what you can carry, instead of having like 1kg over the hidden limit and passing out every 50m. So much rage at that feature, in reality, if you had enough on your back that you would pass-out from running, you wouldn't even start running in the first place, when it comes down to it, you have to have some "gamey" features. To much realism isn't fun. So far all the realism stuff rocket has put in takes it just far enough, but not so far that it isn't fun to play.