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Everything posted by Louie21

  1. The servers are taking forever to log in or not log in at all. The servers that do log in have horrible desync issues and 2 of my friends died while passengers in cars just because they were desyncing around The servers randomly "session lost" and the debug monitor and survival hud don't seem to be working properly -honestly can not wait for war Z. I will base that decision solely on screenshots. I been playing since week 2 of dayz and these have been the worst 2 weeks ever. When i started dayz it was a 30 minute wait time to get in servers.... but at least it worked. I played a lot of other zombie mods on arma and now i realize dayz isnt that special. It easily has the worst zombie movement and audio of the bunch. The only thing that makes it special is its based on survival and not killing zombies. And after 150 hours that has gotten very boring. I expected more from dayz from when I started 3 months ago. I think it will be left in the dust... I know this is just troll post, but I had to vent somewhere. I still have high hopes for dayz but things need to change I cant wait for the war z closed beta
  2. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/wh1b6/dayz_with_the_zombie_hitmen/ Please upvote there and watch it here a montage of my dayz clips, some arma clips from when dayz was down, there is footage of my clan robbing people at gunpoint, check it out!
  3. Louie21

    DayZ with the Zombie Hitmen

    yeah that was on dallas 50, we were the superior leaders... for like 2 months
  4. Louie21

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I updated the patch through 6launcher... It corrupted my arma 2 files so now i cant play with my friends in arma 2 while I wait for the hotfix.... apparently im not the only one also.... Uninstalled arma 2/OA... re-downloading arma.... sweet
  5. i think going in from 1st person is faster
  6. I agree with you man every major patch should include a complete wipe... like 1.7.1 and the future 1.7.2. Everyone should be fresh off the beaches.
  7. Louie21

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Those "unplugged connectors" is a symbol for when your in shock (they are nerve endings I think, not a disconnecting cable)... and in my opinion it is the perfect way to stop the DCer's. if you get a bullet whiz by you your character should automatically display this symbol. And if you log off then your character should be automatically killed and you should have to respawn. I think that the only way you should be allowed to DC is to be in the woods (not a city, to prevent server jumpers looking for loot in the same location on different servers) and it should take 15 second cooldown before you can leave. TL;DR : if in shock disconnecting should automatically kill you, to properly disconnect: 15 second cooldown and must be in the woods
  8. did anyone else see him on 'The Office' its very suddle... but when I was watching (and I am a percussionist) I noticed that I have seen his drumming style on youtube before... a great cameo
  9. Louie21

    ATV at Black Lake?

    i aint telling... but i know you will never find it... we ran into its spawn on accident.. its currently my favorite vehicle spawn since no one else knows where it is!
  10. Louie21

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    its tuesday... where is the patch?
  11. Louie21

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I noticed that it did not get reverted too... I think it should go back to the original design because people get lazy anyways and crouch., now there is almost no reason to prone since it is slow and if you aggro you don't have enough time to get up so your definitely getting attacked. I am willing to adapt to survive though
  12. best hotfix ever thanks rocket, best game developer of all time
  13. Louie21

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Little upset with this patch. I know rocket has recognized a zombie spawn timer issue on large servers. I dont get why he increased the visibility of players and made it be head(eye) movement instead of body direction. The zombies heads are cocked sideways and they wobble back and forth. it is almost impossible to see what direction they are looking now that you cant even get close enough. I thought body direction was good enough, and stealth games such as splinter cell demonstrate that concept works perfectly. I have been alive for about 24 hours and within 5 minutes of patch I died (2 month veteran player) thats a little extreme in my opinion. --- I was also hoping for a more smooth zombie motion capture. Seems like the mo-cap was just altered not changed.. I know its the alpha, but I play a lot of FPS, and damn these zombies zig and zag way too much to enjoy especially with arma's action system lacking. tl;dr: Waiting on hotfix to play again :(
  14. How come when I reload my pistol and Rifle sometimes I dont get a full magazine count. for instance. If i reload a gun that normally holds 30 rounds, it will only reload with 20 or even less. I always have extra magazines in my inventory so I definitely have enough ammo to fill a magazine. Is this because magazines need to be emptied before reloading? and the character doesn't automatically shift the bullets to fill magazines? just like in BF3 and COD DayZ is great good job rocket
  15. I been down to 30 from swimming in a pond trying to get my equipment back and I kept going out to my fire to get warm back to 100 and back into the pond 3 more times down to 30 tempval and I never got sick. Do u get sick when it hits zero? Idk why everyone is complaining about getting sick, Never happened to me, but I only play daytime servers
  16. Louie21

    can't set up tent.

    i had the same problem i picked it up a few days ago before the patch, i tried over 100km of distance in all sorts of areas to no luck, i just ended up dropping it. Has anyone tried to pitch a tent that they found after patch, i thought that may have been the issue, or maybe its just a problem all together now
  17. Louie21

    Question about raw meat

    what are the effects of cooked meat, does it replenish your blood fully, or only 200 blood like canned food?
  18. Louie21

    Looking for ppl to play with

    Hi, My name is Louie, I am a new arma 2 dayz fan. I am sick of bandits and running solo. I just downloaded teamspeak and I have a headset. I am a team player and want to see how far I can make it in this game. I currently am traveling inland solo north of cherno(i use the map from google to travel, knowing where you are is very important to me. I get killed by bandits sometimes and I hate it because I don't kill the living. I need a friend to roll with so we can get into towns with loot. I go up to towns and see all the zombies so im afraid to go in alone. I have one rule tho, I only play on servers that are in the daytime, I think night is way to dark in this game and its not even worth trying. I live in long island, NY. my steam name is Louie21, maybe we can meet in game tonight?
  19. Louie21

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Do you still have to download the mod from this website?....or does the updater download the mod and its updates...?