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Dave Lemon

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About Dave Lemon

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    On the Coast

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  1. Dave Lemon

    Graphical Issues

    Date/Time: Today (30/07/2012) What happened: Graphical atrifacts appear Where you were: (see below) What you were doing: N/A *Current installed version:, latest beta patch as of 29/07/2012 *Server(s) you were on: N/A *Your system specs: core i5 2500k GeForce GTX 680 16 GB RAM SSD Windows 7 34-bit *Timeline of events before/after error: N/A I will whole heartedly confirm this. It does appear to be military areas - most likely pre-spawned bodies I think Encountered at NW airfield, Green Mountain, Stary Sobor. I have NOT encountered it with: - lone destroyed military Humvees - Heicopter crash sites - Deer Stands - Military Zombies killed by players - Any other areas The glitches appear in the form of polygons all over the screen that: - replaced the dead bodies with what i would describe as 'shard' shapes, beige/skinlike in colour - Do not change if you do not move - have no physical matter (ie as far as game mechanics are concerned, they do not exist) - can, but not always, appeared when zoomed in. Upon approaching the area you do not need to zoom in to get them - are relative to the direction of your facing. If the cause is not in your line of sight they do not occur. (sounds obvious but should be stated) They will dissappear if I look straight down at the ground, usually, or turn away. As far as I can determine, changing graphics settings and servers has no effect. I admit I have not rolled back my version of day z, or the beta patch and for obvious reasons I am unwilling to do so. However, it does appear to be a recent problem as, while I have seen it before, I have not encountered it recently until I updated both day Z and Arma 2 from previously up-to-date on 27/07/2012 to the up-to-date version on 30/07/2012.
  2. Dave Lemon

    Ghillie Suit / Backpack (Bug)

    I can confirm this Found a camo skin today and the same thing happened Except mine wasn't hacked like fox's...
  3. That was great! It would be better if you left out the "game" parts (ie that make it obvious its a game) and made it an ominous voiceover, more like the first few seconds, but yeah, great :) Awsome job with the lighting too! Acceptable acting as well
  4. Dave Lemon

    Music you listen to while playing DayZ

    I don't, the ambient music is freaky enough. Need your wits about you! Actually, if I was on sentry duty or something I could do that - but you NEED to hear gunshots
  5. Dave Lemon

    DayZ Stories

    Day 4 Uk 80 ("The Bandit Zone" - its just a name, don't worry, plenty of friendlies) Novy Sobor Our gang of 5 (Titan, Bacon, Dave, Shifty and Adam) were heading to the far north to establish camp - but we needed supplies. Lead by the experienced trio of Dave (myself), Titan and Bacon, and bolstered by two newcomers to the zombie apocalypse, Shifty and Adam, we had thought ourselves safe. As soon as they counted 5 survivors, everyone stayed well clear. We headed to what we thought was the town of Guglovo - a low-traffic, safe-ish area. We needed basic supplies - food and water so we decided to quickly check in on a high value (red-roofed) barn in the near distance. Get in, check the loot, grab what we need and make a quick exit to the treeline. Simple. Except it wasn't. As soon as we had a clear view of the area, it was clear zombies had already moved in from neighbouring settlements. Only one thing makes them do that: the smell of flesh. We proceeded with caution, watched the area for 2 minutes as we moved closer in the treeline, and saw no movement. Maybe these people had left already on the way to Stary Sobor. Titan and I, holding assualt rifles ready to fire, took point and stormed the barn. Our fears were realised: Two "survivors" on one of the hay shelves. Before I could encourage parlay, Titan shot one down out of instinct. His friend turns and goes prone, Winchester aimed square at me, and we both fire - determined eyes meeting through the view of iron sights. I have an AKM. I win. A three-round burst to the face does horrors to ones complexion. He hits me though, and I'm badly hurt. Titan's kill bleeds out. The barn is secure, we call in our friends. We heal up. I have +1 murder, Titan has +1 bandits killed. We shouldn't stay long, that exchange of fire'll no doubt have attracted attention of all sorts. Hang on... somethings not right... how does a guy with only a Lee Enfield get bandit status before- *BANG* "Titan's down!" ".50 cal shot, far treeline!" "Get into the sides!" Too late. We caught someone's attention alright. It seems our bandit recruits had friends. Well equipped sniper friends. Titan was shot on the stairs. The remaining four of us take cover in the rafters, Bacon, Adam and Shifty almost panicking. I do what any good soldier does in a stressfull situation does: take goddamed command. I order (i'd love to say ask, but I get serious under fire, you don't really have time for 'please') Adam to cover the opposite door, while I take the other. We start to formulate a plan- we can reach Titan's body without breaking cover, so we regain his equipment. Bacon clutches his precious .50 cal sniper, afraid to loose it. Adam and me aim our rifles at the doors, fingers around the triggers, just waiting for any sign of a player. Shifty tells us he's found food. We wait and wait Nothing yet - and several minutes have passed. Did he see all of us? He knows I'm in here for sure - but did he see everyone? We play the waiting game. Everyone afraid to move. Bacon suggests Alt-f4ing - I tell him to man the fuck up and think. A distraction! thats it! Someone has to run out and draw the sniper's fire, locating him, allowing Bacon to counter-snipe. I volunteer, relishing the experience and, although I do love the AKM, not attached to my gear. I'm probably going to die, but maybe, just maybe, we could get lucky. I give the order, they agree, and I sprint down the stairs and around the outside of the barn in an erratic fashion. He's watching me, I know he is, he just can't get a good shot... I run up the road towards the settlement proper *BANG* ... He missed! It worked I'm still alive, I can see where he is, now back to th- *BANG* -You are dead- bollocks. (Author's note: from here on out is what I could gather over voice comms) "We see him... *bang* got him!" "Woohoo!" They did it! My team did it! I don't remember who killed him, but the threat was neutralised. They make a run for my body to get the useful gear. *BANG* "Oh shit, another one!" "Back inside, go!" That was M14 fire, apparently. The other three return to cowering in the barn. And someone knows there are three people there. Liquidator. If you're out there, this was a bloody good fight. Bacon says he can see the nametag, somewhere in the bushes, but can't shoot through the barn window. Titan and I act as advisors over voice comms, seeing as we're both KIA. We devise a plan. The team has a smoke grenade. And a newbie. Gentlemen, another distraction is in order. (and this was my plan, just saying) "You guys will only get one shot at this, understand? It has to go JUST right" "Yeah yeah... okay... go over it one more time" "Bacon: you throw the smoke out the door thats near enough facing the sniper. Adam, give it 3 seconds to build up, then run around the barn - there is a shed on the far side you can use as solid cover. While your doing that, Bacon, lean around the solid corner of the barn, find him and kill him. You'll only have about 3 seconds, and one shot max before he spots you as well and shifts fire, or retreats." "I dunno about this guys..." (Bacon was doubting himself, we tell him to pull it together) "Okay, ready? GO, GO, GO!" "Smoke out!" "Wait for it..." "Adam, MOVE!" "Bacon, get in position!" ....................... ......................... ...*hisssss*...... ....................... ..................... *BANG* "He's fallen for it, he's shooting at me!" "Get into cover, Adam!" "I can see the nametag!...I can see him! Under the bush, I -" "Shut up and TAKE THE SHOT!" *BOOM* -Liquidator was killed- We did it. I don't know if they were a clan or even one group, but we won, considering it was 2 deaths to 4. You guys were smart to have 2 snipers cover you, but we had more men, quicker trigger fingers, and most importantly, a crazy Ukranian with a sniper rifle ;) . If it gives you any satisfaction, Liquidator, you were the centre of 5 people's worlds for two minutes, and I was the grand architect of your death. Sorry about loosing that ghillie suit. Your buddie's .50 cal was given to Adam. He lost it at Balota airfield attempting a rescue. It was never fired again. I don't remember the names of the others... I think one was called Robert. My in-game name was actually William at the time. It was just after that I checked and saw there was no barn, nor any pond, in Guglovo. Apparently Novy Sobor, and my navigation skills, are dangerous after all...
  6. Dave Lemon


    Rule #1: Do NOT get attached to your gear Rule #2: Be optimistic, its a whole new adventure! Recommendation #1: Basic English lessons Recommendation #2: Learn what Day Z actually is before crying...