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Everything posted by TomahawkTrix

  1. TomahawkTrix

    NVIDIA Display Driver has stopped responding

    Thanks for posting this HackerSlasher I will look into doing this: would be very good to hear if anybody has some success with the above solve.
  2. TomahawkTrix

    NVIDIA Display Driver has stopped responding

    Thanks for posting this HackerSlasher I will look into doing this: would be very good to hear if anybody has some success with the above solve.
  3. TomahawkTrix

    Day Z Videos

    Hey everyone. Me and some friends having brilliant fun in DayZ in: Sunday, Monday, Happy Dayz : Samiritans & Cowicide. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CYx9tycXAk There will be more to come so if you like it please consider subscribing. Let me know if you enjoyed it. PS: NSFW due to some bad language.
  4. TomahawkTrix

    Screen Disappearing into Taskbar

    I have this exact issue and am running dual monitors but running the game just on the primary monitor.