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Everything posted by DevilDog435

  1. DevilDog435


    Everyone can pretty mutch agree with me when i say this.... The hackers have turned this mod/game into another homefront..... For those who dont know what i mean, when homefront first came out the guys from AA.net where quickly ruining it with hacks and bragging about it on the forums, before anything was done it was too late the multiplayer was fucked royally because of them....DayZ is quickly following homefront in the same way.. Being an admin for one server that has been hit by hackers many times from teleporters and script kiddies through to pro hacks that have somehow bypassed the rcon logs of who connects and disconnects and not show up in the player list and cause all sorts of shit and locking out the admins ability to kick/ban, when that happens the admjns are powerless except to shut the server down.. my clan is now on the verge of locking it down and passwording it just to keep those retards off
  2. Ah look the trolls are back....
  3. Fuck me i am so sick of this shit....I am one of the admins who run this server and im fucking pissed off that u have accussed myself and 1 other admin for hacking this server with out any proof.... Yes this server has been the target of virgin hackers, but so have a lot of other servers aswell...and from what i have read of your first post your making refference to the 2 trolls named strikegtx and praytella who failed to mention that they where seen (by 3 verified whitnesses) spawning in a chopper that just so happened to be stollen from them....funny how these 2 clowns try to put in on that its the admins fault.....hmmm Im going to say this once and for all we dont ban for no reason when the ban is imposed by the admins it is not done unless we have proof either by 3 whitnesses, or by an email report to the email address that comes up in the lobby screen when logging in (down in the left hand side of the screen).... now was your ban an server admin ban or a battle eye ban....if it was a battle eye ban then thats got nothing to do with the server admins....if it was an admin ban then there would be a reason why.....you'd wanna make sure your telling the truth in your story wouldnt wanna see you globally banned or perm banned for the forums for false accusations
  4. DevilDog435

    US 360 Admins tents.

    @marksman....where in this whole shit storm of a post has it been said that a hacker in da us 360 server has the admin rights or is an admin of that server....none that i can see...your point on this is much like you a complete waste of time While yes they probably do admit to having a someone use a hack on their server did it ever occur to you that it could have come down to fighting fire with fire..or use a hack to catch a hack...u might want to think about that for a bit and i can garantee you their probably not the only server to do it too... Regarding the player banned after shooting someone out of a chopper....re read the fucking posts dickhead he was banned for alt f4ing cause he got shot at
  5. DevilDog435

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Quick lesseon for ya..this ones a freebee... Google... arma2 rcon that is a server tool for the server admins to see whos on the server.. this program also has a function to 1/ kick or ban players if found...i say again if found to be hacking,alt f4ing or abusing players as in the rules and 2/ only shutdown or restart the server....only...there is no option to teleport anyone anywhere with this tool...anyone with half a fucking brain and has managed/ran a server knows this...in no way shape or form does the server admin have anymore power especially in dayz... As stated earlier its the virgin looser hackers that hold the power ie raining a10s, arty strike cities, teleporting, etc....if u seriously think that the server admins are to blame then your just as fucked in the head as those that think scientology is a real religion.... You ass stains need to wake up to reality and get some education in running a server then and only then will u mongaloids realise the amount of shit we have to put up with from dickheads like you.... Oh and for your info propaq and shadow are not members of that clan...and its DRN not DRM for fuck sakes at least get that right..... fucking idiots
  6. DevilDog435

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Sorry strike i missed the part where you claim this chopper belonged to that clan...and missed where this shot person was a member of that clan... so where is your proof of this claim.. To me your posts sound much like your life full of piss n wind and depressing enough to ruin other peoples fun and someone who is angry that his friend (if u call him that) was caught and banned..sounds to me like the admins did that right thing, im sure the other admins who read this will agree with me... Oh and do tell what is it that your reminding the admins that they seem to forget every 5sec.....hmmm that your a whinger...well we can already see that in your posts...is it that the admins are suppose to let retards like u run rampant and ruin it for everyone else the same way homefront went...yeah right...oh please tell strike im just aching to know
  7. DevilDog435

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Ill give you 2 retards a clue...be prepared it may shock you... No glitches or hacks where involved contrary to what you monkeys think....now heres the kicker its called farming the hard way you should try it some time... Now as for the chopper...wasnt any of the clan u shot so u may have shot one of your own hackers....id consider that a big fail on your part.. Blacklisting the server...if it meant not having to deal with ass stains like you 2 da server admins would welcome it
  8. DevilDog435

    US 360 Admins tents.

    I was waiting for this to come up... Now i know who u are....you mate/looser deserved the ban for his candy ass act personally he should have died like a man and not alt-f4ing like a lil school girl pissing in her pants because she got shot at....you tards make me sick... The admins are with in there rights to ban off da server for alt-f4...should be greatfull it wasnt a global ban....i know da guys who run this server and know how sick n tired they r of wankers like your mate and retarded virgin hackers who ruin dis game.... Your mate got banned deal with it and move on instead of crying about it on da forums
  9. DevilDog435

    Hackers on US360 right now

    Exactly da devs havent done anything to stop the looser hackers ruining this game Battle eye is shit and a waste of space and doesnt catch everything
  10. @swag It was a knee jerk reaction based on the number of hits we recieved with alt-f4ers, people being turned into sheep and dropped from a10s etc all in that same period..he may have been seen as teleporting but it may have been someone eles that caused it..as im not the one who imposed the ban...as far as im concerned the matter has been resolved and appologies have been made
  11. @BeerIACtD As i am 1 of the 2 admins for this server and after discussing this post with the other admin, we have decided to lift your ban to the server..BUT let it be known that from here on you will be watched carefully and that any suspect action viewed upon yourself with regards to teleporting,eploits or anything else stated in the rules you will be banned no questions asked... also to say the admins teleported you is a bit of a joke as numerous people in this post as well as myself have and will state that we the server admins do not have the power to teleport anyone across the server, we only have the power to kick/ban hackers and abusive people to set out to ruin everyones game...to also quote another post from a hacker who was caught red handed when he and his mates where watched teleporting over the map you seriously need to get your facts right before quoting this... i now consider this matter closed...if u wish to take this further please get your friend manifesto to give u our TS detials and come and chat with us personally before posting on any forums bad mouthing us
  12. DevilDog435

    LOL Banned from US360 for supposed cheating.

    @Tim...mate you and your friends where banned off the server because you where caught server hopping and teleporting over the map....as for the chopper being their thats was from another group of hackers who where banned shortly before you and your friends for spawning that chopper and a created of hacked weapons, did u happen to noticed it was destroyed or where u too busy teleporting/server hopping to notice...now tim if u say you wherent hacking/teleporting then why did severl members of said clan watch u and your friends log off anf log on several times and watch your group show up in different locations each time.... the admins of the us360 server are strict with its policy of hackers/exploiters/etc being banned...you and your mates where caught.....deal with it