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Everything posted by archersix

  1. I'll refer you to the PC Gamer page on this-http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/08/07/dayz-being-developed-as-a-standalone-game-this-is-the-end-of-the-beginning/ So, besides the fact that Bohemia is behind this (and this could mean that we're not going to be in Chernarus anymore), it seems that the days of Alpha are almost over. Opinions, hopes and dreams, etc? Post below.
  2. archersix

    Stay away from these guys

    Ryan, you seem to be a fairly decent guy, but your CO is a bit of an overtly aggressive jerk who would rather discredit another player rather than take the fall. He doesn't seem to be a good leader, and doesn't seem to be a good person. My advice? This is turning into a witch hunt against the clan. If I were you, I'd cut ties and just enjoy the game without having entire servers combing for you. It sorta sucks the fun out of things, doesn't it?
  3. archersix

    we need vampirez

    ...I think OP is Francis from L4D.
  4. archersix

    An Experiment.

    I think a lot of us view DayZ as a survival game purely, with the absolute goal to focus around surviving as long as you can. It is in my opinion that this is missing the point. Dean Hall (Executive Produce of the mod) has stated in an interview that it is possible for players to actually wipe out an entire zombie presence on a server (http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/06/23/day-z-arma-3-interview-optimization-map-design-radios-porting-day-z-into-arma-3/, it's almost at the bottom of the page). But, this begs the question-how exactly could one accomplish that, especially since DayZ players are notoriously renowned for their bandit tendancies. So, I propose a simple experiment to prove that it can be done on a single server. It'll be a full server, fifty people, all of them handpicked and chosen to exist on this private, password-locked server to prove that the zombies can be defeated. Initially, the fifty chosen would find an area to be determined as a "safe-zone" area, small but home. From there, leaders are elected, hunting parties established, and the long haul towards Cherno (the end-game of the experiment) begins. Once all the cities have been reclaimed (I intend to speak to Mr. Hall himself on how it would be possible to prevent a zombie respawn. In other words, to set up a condition for each villiage to hault undead spawning inside its limits, thusly making it "reclaimed"), the experiment will conclude with physical evidence that it is possible for a server to "beat" DayZ. I would like volenteers for the job, but primarily I'd like opinions on who would actually be interested in this and/or following this (Should it be given the go-ahead, this thread will feature picture logs by me and other members detailing the day's progress towards victory). Please post your replies below.
  5. archersix

    An Experiment.

    Hm.. I didn't know that you would need to stick around to prevent spawns... That's a bit unrealistic, yeah? I mean, they're not going to just pop out of no-where (although it could represent a walker or two stumbling in from the forests surrounding). All I can say is you would need something like two guys to cover a town after reclaiming it just to act as guards. I wish they'd bump up the server amount to something like 75 or 100; it would make this a whole lot easier. I think I'd like to say that this is more than a show-boat, "take pictures" sorta thing. This is to be an actual experiment, with the other servers as a control, that as a server-wide basis it is possible to "beat" DayZ. I'd like to say thanks to my first volenteer, Gapi182. Great things are coming (with any luck, of course). So, does anyone have an earthly idea on how to contact Mr. Hall in order to arrange this grand adventure?
  6. archersix

    DayZ Memes

    I know two guys related to Chuck Testa, actually.