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Everything posted by eggmundo

  1. eggmundo

    Small group looking for more active members.

    Hai, I'm Ben, 27 from Yorkshire, i've been playing about 8 hours now. I think! Got a 1911, akm, a few medical supplies 5 full canteens of water and some food, getting quite bored of sneaking around on my own eating beans, pasta, sheep and cows for blood! Anyway, i'm a bit of a noob, met 1 person, he started shooting at me just after i typed friendly, so dropped him with a lucky shot, felt preyy bad about it lol. Avoided many people. Mainly because i didnt have a mic in operation so i couldnt ID them verbally. Got one sorted now though =] I'm usually online around 1800 gmt for a few hours. Casually sneaking around. ;] I'm on skype : e99one And steam : eggmundo usually in game with : eggmundo