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gussy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by gussy (DayZ)

  1. So I got banned for cheating because apparently the G36CSD doesn't exist on DayZ but I found it on a dead body and so did my friend and she wasn't banned so this is weird :s And like.. how am I supposed to know if a gun is hacked or not :\ Also I thought it wasn't bannable to use hacked items as long as we didn't hack them I mean... do I really deserve a ban from the server where I play almost everyday because I found a hacked gun on a dead body? Not sure how these unban appeals are working by the way... are the admins going to check this or anyone from the dayz staff?
  2. Cool story bro. Can be locked & archived I managed to reach the admin who banned me and we settled this issue.
  3. Well earlier today a hacker just teleported everyone at the same place and turned us into goats... then chickens and finally soldiers. I logged out in order to not lose my gear and when I logged on another server I still had that soldier skin. Do I risk anything if I'm playing with that skin? I don't really want to respawn as I'm really far North and have a good gear. What should I do? Could I get banned because people would think I'm a hacker as I've got a different skin?